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    Didn't the whole daily show attempt ruin Munn?

    And Horrible Bosses was a huge hit too

    Considering the fact that truly original works seldom ever make big money why would a studio finance them? I think its a shame but I understand it - for every Inception there are three Cowboys & Aliens.

    Their metrics are kind of faulty. I remember they credit Shia Labeuf for Transformers but won't give Barrymore credit for He's Just Not That Into You (b/c it was an ensemble). Can't have it both ways. If you add that total in its not that low.

    At best you could say it was mediocre - and that is a huge stretch in my mind but I could understand someone feeling like it was adequate. And maybe if you are in an older demo some of the film may have been more enjoyable.

    Captain America was a too long, boring, piece of garbage. Probably the worst movie I have seen in the last year.

    This is so true. Seeing a comedy (especially one of the tone of Harold & Kumar) in a desolate theater or at home alone is not ideal. This has to be an opening weekend type movie just for the atmosphere.

    And Bieber doesn't come packaged in the same faith friendly packaging like the Disney stars

    I honestly love this show but the fact that it is on Showtime is troubling. Showtime has zero credibility in my book compared to HBO, AMC, FX. I would argue they don't have a single show that doesn't feel formulaic (i.e. troubled middle aged woman, tortured anti-hero). And as you mentioned they have a horrible track

    I was really hoping they would go there more in this episode. I think Carrie is really trying to use Brody and seeing as the surveillance has expired fucking him seems like a good way to get intel. Brody is definitely flirting with her and I would absolutley put money on them banging.

    If the wife is a double agent it screams entrapment. From the little they have shown of Faizal it really doesn't seem like his heart is in terror (relative to his wife). I get the feeling that she is pressuring the teacher into fundamentalism - which if she is a new convert would make some sense b/c usually the most

    I don't get why this guy is complaining. The only thing minorly resembling nudity the last two weeks was the semi-sheer/bra-less top Carrie's sister was wearing

    How is Chris Brown the devil incarnate to so many for one case of domestic violence and Charlie Sheen is cool after literally shooting a woman?

    I think the same description would go for the woman in question too though. Its not like she is some angel. Not saying she deserved it (if it actually occurred) but it can't be totally unexpected either.

    I'm not in public relations. Its just my opinion but I find him charming in a Hugh Grant type of way

    I think he is a lot better actor than folks give him credit for. He is unbelievably (to the point of occasionally being distracting I suppose) mesmerizing and charismatic. And its not like his movies are complete garbage anymore

    I think its interesting that there are so few successful solo mainstream male pop/rock artists. Its a tiny list that basically only includes Justin Timberlake (retired) and John Mayer

    I think he is almost intentionally holding onto that card and tormenting Mike (and his wife a little bit too) by not saying anything direct. Brody 100% knows that they fucked though

    Completely agree with this sentiment. I can't remember a better start to an hour-long series

    Kristen Stewart is phenomenal in Adventureland. It convinced me she is actually talented.