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    I'll be happy
    if they just get to air 13 episodes. I feel like the show got off to a rough start and it has rebounded some in the more recent episodes. Not great but certainly above average

    Modern Family has no business even being compared to Arrested Development. Community hasn't had a bad episode yet and is in my opinion the closest thing to AD since the show has gone off the air. AD went 53/53 with no stinkers - time will tell if community can but they are getting a lot more episodes to work with.

    @Dr3w I'm not from New England so I'll take you at your word that the accent is accurate. It came off as overdone but i don't know exactly what constitutes an accurate accent so I may very well have been wrong. (I think I thought it was excessive just based off 30 Rock's track-record with accents)

    The guy clearly wants to watch it through the legal or accepted means. The issue is that the show isn't available to buy for 12-15 hours after airing. Why they don't put the episodes on amazon/hulu/itunes immediately after it airs is beyond me - that could cut out some of the piracy. Most torrenting isn't out of a

    The soundtrack was straight out of a shitty skinemax movie from the mid 90s

    Are the DVD commentaries worth purchase of the set? Debating whether to drop the 25 on a show I already have.

    Best part
    the gratuitous sex scene with Chief

    Blew your mind in a good way or bad way?
    I though he was just a bafoon with an awful accent

    Chang's got to get some free time to go film Transformers 3

    The Throne has been taken
    Is it fair to say Community is now at Arrested Development levels?

    Troy is shockingly skinny like anorexic skinny

    For whatever its worth Portman, Knightley, and Anne Hathaway are all Oscar nominees. Blake Lively has been nominated for three teen choice awards though

    I loved The Town (best movie of 2010 imo) but Lively was the worst part of the movie.

    How did Blake Lively
    become so in demand. She's ok on Gossip Girl and was decent in The Town but aside from looking beautiful she is not that amazing of an actress. Putting her in a class with Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, or Keira Knightley seems a bit much.

    I feel like she would be more interesting if the wardrobe was a little more risky. Its been five or six episodes and there hasn't been an ounce of skin.

    is the quiet korean kid

    I'm not sure of how it exactly works but if you have Showtime/HBO/Starz you are knowingly buying those channels. If you want Disney Channel you have to buy AMC, USA, TNT, E, and everything else.
    The issue with the PTC is that they make a fuss about shows that no child would ever watch (their motto is because children

    Love Actually
    was the only good movie that used the Valentin's Day formula

    Dexter has to be arrested or have a serious investigation surrounding him (not some grunt stalking him but like the FBI) by the end of this season. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be willing to watch Dexter come so close to being caught but getting away in the knick of time.

    Another B+
    Never saw that coming