the voice of raisins

As we have seen over the past few years, isolating the right only drives them further right and cuts them off from mainstream discourse, and those are people that wield a lot of political power. A relatively tiny progressive left that isolates itself from other viewpoints, like you seem to want, may be able to propel

He could not, because the letter of the statute would directly contravene the executive order you are proposing.

You can only use an executive order to reinterpret existing law.

Zimmerman was tried by the state of Florida. The DOJ investigated or is investigating at least the deaths of Eric Garner and Laquan McDonald, and investigated and forced institutional reforms in Ferguson.

Did you even watch that interview? He managed to make her come off like a complete buffoon without being the slightest bit condescending. I honestly would have just started screaming at her.

Nope! Old Time (or occasionally Old-Time) music is a genre of early country music derived primarily from Scots-Irish music traditions, but also incorporating other European and early African-American musical styles. It was a precursor to bluegrass, and is similar in many respects, but primarily differs in that it

That is sort of true. While you can play fiddle on any violin (or viola), many fiddlers will modify their instrument by using wonky tunings or filing down the bridge so that it's easier to play drone notes

If you're sitting and playing at all, you're either in a classical orchestra or have had a few too many

and/or some lazy slide guitar

I play in an old time group, and the band leader says the way you turn a violin into a fiddle is by spilling beer on it

Your kind being disgruntled infants with VD?

After some quick googling, it looks like the photo was only used as an anti-Nashville ad well after it was taken. Apparently it was taken at one of the San Quentin performances after the photographer said "how about one for the warden?"

Mmmm, people, aghghghghgh!

From my understanding, he was mostly pissed at Nashville for abandoning older artists in favor of a poppier sound. And keep in mind, that photo was taken only a year after marrying into the Carter Family.

You don't count Johnny Cash as country? How?

Isn't disco just whitewashed funk, though?

Eastwood is not really a conservative. He's way more conservative than me, but he's not really conservative in a traditional sense.

I never heard of it until now, but I don't think subversiveness is a good quality in and of itself, unless it offers something good to go along with it. It seems like a lot of the "alt-right" crowd is weirdly nihilistic, to the point where they can't take anything seriously, and this show sounds like on offshoot of

I largely agree. Here's my unified theory of why conservatives tend to be bad at comedy:

Yeah, I think that's more or less right. But I can see why people bristle at it, as that's how they define themselves, and it doesn't sound nearly as scary as it ought to.