the voice of raisins

That must be weird information to know

I think a lot of times it's just honest confusion. A lot of progressive folks that hear about trans issues all the time forget how new they are to most of the country.

Can we make that 2018? I don't think we'll make it to 2020 otherwise.

Hey! It's called a lair!

I do wish he would have covered Margot Robbie's accent in The Wolf of Wall St.. I was absolutely floored when I found out she was an Aussie.

Oh, man, that sounds awesome

The cheap mass-produced food in America is mostly made in a factory some place, over-processed so it will last forever, and more or less available all across the country. It's not exactly the kind of thing the term "peasant food" refers to, although Bourdain has made several episodes of his shows highlighting

oh, this comment was not consistent with your last one, and now you just sound bitter

What is there to eat in a sea urchin? Seems like they're mostly just hard bits

But leather is usually from animals that they use the other parts of, and aren't just killed for their skin, right? So that's not really a good argument

I don't think the reason he was annoyed by this heckler is the same reason he is annoyed by vegetarians. He has long been a proponent of knowing where your food comes from, probably in large part because the fancy rich people whom he used to cook for didn't give a shit. He is also a big proponent of knowing the

they know what they did

He should apologize!

But look how that debacle ended!

We are no longer the robots who say YE!
We are now the robots who say AFFIRMATIVE!

All you need to do to know that Trump's a bit off is look at his Twitter feed. Maybe he hasn't been diagnosed, but maybe that's because he surrounds himself with yes-men.

Oh yeah, in terms of greenhouse gasses, "clean coal" means less than a fart in a hurricane.

Scrubbers have also greatly reduced the acid rain problem by limiting SO2 emissions from coal power plants.


Everything's legal in New Jersey.