The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Let's not discriminate against her female voters. Please.

Look how well that worked for the rest of us.

Mother father Chinese dentist.

I was simply making an easy hermaphroditic-rumor jape. I have nothing against the lass, and in fact am stirred in the loins by her dancing in True Lies. So there.

Sometimes it seems Spike Lee is actively trying to keep a zero sum with his career, so that no one can ever really use sweepingly positive or negative statements to encapsulate his career.

Sometimes my poop looks like alphabet letters, too.

I remember you in that flick!

I know you specifically said women, but can I add Jamie Lee Curtis to the list?

Well, at least she's conjured the right imagery.
The first thing I think of, following "Sarah Palin," is usually "dead fish."

It's 107 degrees here in central Texas, and I haven't so much as punched a single black person.

Holy shit, mbs.


It was Lethal Weapon FOUR, you plebe!

He's right, though. My pasta is also susceptible to voices of film.

The rest of us have. Please, Karatloz, buy the woman some curtains.

My parents somehow got me a Dancing Ridgely doll for Christmas in '84.

For my dong.

I hear Ebony is… a magazine.

I kinda wish Rogen would've.

Pretty sure that title is still held by Matthew McConaughey.