Frank Walker Barr

He was once St. Darth before losing his canonization? It makes sense, I guess the helmet that Kylo Ren keeps around was a literal relic.

But it makes perfect sense to study even foreign pests because you never know if the pest will eventually be introduced here. Remember that around this time the European Med Fly had been accidently introduced to the US and was causing havoc in the fruit crop industry. If the fly had been studied here first maybe there

But ultimately futile in both cases.

Hardly never, but yes, certainly underrepresented. But the first cereal mascot ever was Kellog's "Sweetheart of the Corn" for their cornflakes in the early 20th century. She was depicted as a young farmer woman holding stalks of corn.

Yes. The whole bee connection is that they are using honey to sweeten it, which sounds healthier than sugar.

Taking an entire thermos of mate yourself is way too much caffeine, like sipping three cups of coffee on your own over an hour.

Maybe Mike Royko, who was kind of his Chicago version? Although just checking, Mike died in 1997 — time flies.

Indeed. It makes me wonder why conservatives with cancer get treatment. Logically, they should honor their tumors — tumors are the rugged individualists who put themselves over the socialist collective of cells that put the needs of the organism first.

Nevertheless, there was still a draft in WWII and the majority of soldiers were drafted, not volunteers (and you can't ignore the people who volunteered in order *not* to be drafted with a hope that volunteering would get a better or safer position than being drafted as cannon fodder).

Although that's pretty weird if you think about it. I know that Burns has a history of making outdated references to Prussia as currently existing country and so on, but does Burns have a TV from Rick & Morty that can get signal from dimensions where DuMont is current, or does he just use "DuMont" as a generic name

Also, isn't that the *idea* of Wiki Wormhole? That one topic leads to another, much as how sometimes when looking up something in Wikipedia you get sidetracked by following links?

Wait, is she less horrible than the rest of them or something?

I also didn't like the cliched idea that scientists are psychopaths who want to destroy the world for the luls.

It's the same reason most novels about "academia" focus on the problems of English professors rather than those of physics professors, molecular biologists, or whatever. "Write what you know" is fine up to a point, but fails when the writers tend to have similar Ivy League humanities backgrounds.

You might as well throw American Graffiti and Dazed and Confused in there too, if you are going to compare Clueless to Fast Times. They are about different generations of teenagers. I like them all, and probably like Fast Times the best, but that's largely because it depicts my generation, not because of any objective

I'm pretty sure the chestbursters could infect both men and women in Aliens. That's why they cocooned all the colonists (not just women), and why they did the same to the Marines (mostly male). Also, of *course* they were bugs. The whole idea of the Alien is simply a big version of a parasitic wasp.

While Miles is working at an indy thing, the model seems similar to iPic, which is a chain which is spreading, although mostly on the coasts.

And yet they still have a German royal family! Throw them out and bring back the descendants of Harold, the last true king!

If you haven't seen it you can't get one of Patton Oswalt's best monologues, so there's that.

Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a Commodore PET (1977) in the Jenning's travel agency office (recognizable from the trapezoid monitor)? I realize from the standpoint of 2017, obsolete computers are obsolete computers, but I have a hard time seeing how a PET would still be in use in 1984.