Frank Walker Barr

Hopefully you also use "Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana" and "On safari, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know."

He was misunderstood — he was simply having a peaceful sit in on top of the Empire State Building/World Trade Center to protest American foreign policy when the authorities attacked him. And when he tries to defend himself and his friend, *he's* considered the bad guy.

All I remember about the movie was the producer's quip when it went overbudget — "it would be cheaper to lower the Atlantic!"

Although you can argue that Jaws itself owes a debt to Them! (1954) which was about giant killer ants. Which I suppose owes something to King Kong because of giant animals.

There *were* no immigrants from the Soviet Union in the normal sense (well, occasionally they did let some Russian Jews move to Israel, which the government saw as a win-win situation because anti-semitism was still big in the USSR even if not as much as in Tsarist Russia). There were defectors, sure, but they

I'd argue that there's another series that sucks that even makes zombies boring. But I guess it does it by not showing zombies eating people very often.

But think. That would have made Ronnie an even bigger hero among the right than he is in our world. It's like how JFK became this ideal president of "Camelot" despite almost causing WWIII, invading Cuba (ineffectually) with neo-fascist scum who supported Battista, and ramping up Eisenhower's ill-advised support of

This could've actually been spun as a Wiki Wormhole, actually. In fact, actually I thought it *was* one until I just checked.

I've got a great idea for a startup — we'll deliver milk. In glass bottles, so the people fearing toxins in plastic will be appeased. What an original, 21st century idea!

How about Michael I. Jordan, the artificial intelligence researcher at UC-Berkeley?

Reboot The Matrix? Don't be silly — 1999 was far too long ago to reboot. The ideal 15-year movie-goer hadn't even been born yet. These days Hollywood only reboots things like Spiderman where the time in years between iterations can be measured in single digits.

I thought they were called "Generation Z" — but that was back when they were calling Millennials "Generation Y", I suppose.

Eggo: The choice of abused mutant children everywhere.

I worry that future kids won't have the experience of having seen every episode of Gilligan's Island, Bewitched, and the like. They always seemed to be on in syndication after school and provided a common cultural language across generations.

Given how many of these online-enabled kids are probably spending time on YouTube—where 30-second pre-video ad clips are common

Not that I think it justifies it, but Welles and Brando were extremely fit in their prime and so part of it is the sadness that they had "let themselves go".

I thought cinephiles had to get sexually aroused by cinemas. Which explains why they are into restoring Art Deco theatres and so on.

That's par for the course with Spielberg, though, as Fox learned with the expensive, uneven, and ultimately unsuccesful Terra Nova (2011).

I remember Bananas! It was kind of stuck in a tough place — it wanted to reach the teen audience, but was published by Scholastic, so couldn't really talk (at least in the 1980s) about things like sex and drugs.

Hell, I used to work with a scientist who worked for the *Federal* government who was a Libertarian. Of course he included what he was working on as one of those weird exceptions that the market wouldn't provide for and thus a proper function of government.