Frank Walker Barr

There was also the "Why I won't promote cigarettes anymore" letter which was loosely based on what Emerson Foote (an ex-tobacco ad man who became an anti-smoking activist) did. And the fact that the Kodak slide wheel actually was called "the Carousel", which the show had Draper coin.

I was a bit of a culture snob in regard to Highlights because we subscribed to Cricket, which was sort of a weird New Yorker-ish magazine for kids.

Hey, that's just thinking ahead. When all those pesky USDA regulations get repealed, we *all* better start eating our food burnt to a crisp or risk explosive diarrhea.

I'm actually surprised that this *wasn't* a real campaign at one point. I mean, I liked Mad Men, but it was kind of annoying that a lot of Don Draper's "brilliant ideas" were actually real ads that in the universe of the show Draper had come up with.

few Hollywood movies from the late ’90s feel more dated than You’ve Got Mail.

Considering that the main character is studying Russian, I assume the name is deliberate. But yes, I always find it annoying when titles get recycled.

You can get a drink at the bar during intermission.

She was sort of like Angela Lansbury — she kind of looked 60 when she was 40, so that was perhaps unfortunate, but on the plus side she still looked 60 when she was 80.

Don't forget Val Kilmer's Iceman.

I wonder how your engines feel.

As stupid as the show was, I've met several black computer programmers and engineers who say that Steve inspired them in their youth as he was really the first black nerd in popular culture.

I know! They could have picked Tom or Chris, but Dave? No way.

"Hans, are we the baddies?"

It's just that (even given the supernatural explanation) Dawn's introduction just seemed kind of forced and obviously there because the aging of the other characters meant the teen audience didn't really have a character they could directly relate to any more. This sort of thing has a *long* tradition in TV — "Cousin

Yeah, that would pale in comparison to important things, like how Cyberpunk wasn't a very good album.

And tying it to *this* article he spends a fair bit talking about Danny Strong's Jonathan. Which is at one level weird, because he was hardly a major character, but Head seems to like that Buffy handled topical issues, and Jonathan as a would-be school shooter ties into that. Although creepily enough, apparently it

Actually, he has the powers of Jonathan in real life and his success is entirely due to a spell similar to the one in "Superstar". I mean really, "Hey guys, I'm the guy who played Jonathan on Buffy and have a screenplay here about the life of a butler in the White House and how he experienced history from the inside."

Yeah — I've rewatched Buffy and TOS/TNG in the streaming era, but I can't ever imagine rewatching Lost even though I liked it at the time.

I'm surprised Kim Possible wasn't mentioned — it's a Disney Cartoon that's much better than it needed to be, and the title character, who balances fighting supervillains with high school is clearly Buffy-inspired, as is the witty banter she trades with her computer geek friend Wade and her usually useless sidekick Ron.

Yeah — it's clearly Anne Rice inspired. Although to be fair, some of the mythology in Buffy also takes from Rice.