Ricky Coogin

I'd think Nugent would have a lock on the role.

If it's Piper Laurie in The Hustler, that's not a bad thing.

Does he have a shot at being appointed Secretary of Partying Down?

My family almost moved to Grand Rapids, Mich. once but my dad found that in some neighborhoods, you can't even mow your lawn on Sundays.

Sounds like he should take his own advice. (funnier if said in John Lennon voice)

No matter what happens to Bill, he still wants you to stay in school, treat your elders with respect, and turn off the Jay-Z now and then to appreciate an hour or two of Miles Davis or Thelonious Monk.

Too black-sounding?

Occasionally, my imaginary daughter will sing the entire song with her hands clasped behind her back. It's beyond adorable.

I bet in his mug shot, he looks like the dad from You Can't Do That on Television.

I think it's pretty great.

It was supposed to be a pooka, a spirit that takes the shape of an animal. What's strange is he's chasing after his own horse, which turns back to normal after he falls down the well. I think King Brian says he engineered the trick to lure Darby to his lair so he could offer him eternal life as long as he stayed in

You mean you don't wear skintight pink satin pants or eyeshadow?

I think this is going to ruin the genuine scariness, even for a guy who knows the Babadook is a crew member in contact lenses with a digitally enhanced mouth.

Do they also wear contact lenses and have friends who can digitally exaggerate their mouths about 20%?

What about the scene in the junkyard where Bev watches Henry and his friends doing a circle jerk….but she's got on these shorts…that are far too small for her…

He married young and said he had a girlfriend in high school, so I guess he didn't have to play the field much.

I wonder why Pennywise has not become a gay icon now. Maybe because he taunts Eddie as a "girly boy" in the movie, or how in the novel, his modern reincarnation murders and probably eats a gay man.

"Heh…just like a wop, bringing a knife to a gun fight! Get outta here, you dago bastard!"

Last Friday we took advantage of the $5 bourbon specials and one of my friends said he always had a thing for Nancy Travis and Andie MacDowell.

Name me the last President who wore spectators.