Ricky Coogin

But they weren't the stars.

No, they didn't want to see it because it didn't star Murray or Aykroyd or the rest. The backlash would be the same as if they cast male comedians. But people want to believe that it's all against women because some idiots online said "huh-huh, women aren't funny, all they're good for is turning men on" and people

Exactly what I was thinking.

People say a lot of stupid shit online, and there are plenty of people who take them at face value and assume their ridiculous remarks are emblematic of men in general.

The full script for The Blues Brothers was funnier than the movie. They didn't find the band so easily.

He co-wrote The Blues Brothers and Ghostbusters and Spies Like Us.

He hasn't had a writing credit for nearly 20 years and it was for that piece of shit Blues Brothers sequel nobody cared about.

Because he used to be a talented writer and actor before he decided to sell out and pretend he was Elwood Blues for the rest of his life.

No, the only answer is that men hate women and don't want women headlining in action movies. It could never be:

Now, Biff…don't con me!

I am not accusing you of this, but you could argue that since slurs against other races are not always suppressed, it's racist to assume black people are so soft-hearted that they cannot even take a six-letter word against them. Many black people have adopted the word as bonding and as an attempt to disempower the

Oh no, you mean "special needs."

"God knows I CHERISH black people."

Could you, like, give me a really big Rotney?

The AV Club would never ever let an event with any hint of race or gender prejudice go unnoticed before letting us know how we should feel about it.

Hey, Mommy, look, look! It's Superman!


It's not that sensitive an issue for me. I commented on it, and I hate euphemisms (actually, i kind of like them because they're funny) and I understand why writers do not use them because they don't want to get in trouble. I write for a living and I would probably not use that word if I was writing online.


I'm not saying I "love" the word, but I hate that they use "the n-word" instead of writing it out. If a publication meant for general audiences wanted to blank out the "gg" to make it less offensive, I can understand that since they do that with other swear words. However, the AV Club is an adult audience that is