
I was thinking that just the other day while watching Spoils of Babylon, envisioning a Faustian bargain just before the casting of Forrest Gump:

"If any teachers ask where Eric went, tell them that three grown-ups took
him off the playground to teach him a lesson about sticking his finger
in things."

If casual observing narcissistic celebrities has taught me anything, they never think their celebrity will ever die on any hill. They can't even sense when they're claiming hills to die upon/stepping out on limbs/painting themselves into corners/ publicly inserting heads up own asses…

Yeah, they'll need to go with someone short of middle aged if they want to cover his early success sporting a lush mustache all the way to his dotage as a purse-lipped albino skeleton…Tim Blake Nelson has the right face shape but is probably too old and folksy. I vote for Ed Norton.

I just assumed the clip of the girl in the hospital stemmed from him sexing her into some sort of medical predicament.

There, there. What goes up must come down. Chances are he'll come to despise ever making this when he's cut from the cast and then proceeds to permanently cripple himself whilst gallivanting around another national park. Here—have another donut.

I agree with your points, but as others have better articulated, I would much rather err on the side of believing Dylan than Allen since 1. he long ago escaped any threat of legal justice 2. the Soon-Yi relationship confirms him as skeevy and 3. if he's actually innocent, it's not like this allegation ruined his life,

I wasn't aware of Ronan's in any way instigating Dylan's open letter to Kristof. Share a link if you have one.

Fair point that if she even suspected that Ronan was Sinatra's child, she shouldn't have sought financial support. Then again, it's even more complicated considering Allen and Farrow were never married, and all the other kids were adopted…especially given the former I'm surprised that Allen was forced to pay any child

Sure, their longevity is laudable and arguably mitigates the grotesque age difference. But I don't assume that Farrow knew who fathered Ronan until later. Yes, given the acrimony, she could have conceivably sued for support disingenously while strongly suspecting that Ronan was Frank's son. On the other hand, the

Yes, he can write, though I agree with several nytimes commenters that the first line rings incredibly hollow: "didn't give it a second thought"? Such a reaction doesn't strike me as innocent so much as in denial. An innocent person would be utterly enraged and vexed by the narrative being fed to the child, not to

Sigh. Your excitedly recommending a song and a film I haven’t listened to/watched in at least 10 years with such youthful earnestness makes me feel
very old.

I think we basically agree that they have no rational reason to feel guilty; I really just wonder how they'll react to this. The Soon-Yi marriage is indeed tangential and legal, but it adds another layer of suspicion to his sexual proclivities, with her being 37 years younger and their initial relationship being

With Polanksi, I think age also plays a role, as 13 years old seems just close enough to adolescence that to many the crime seems less pedophilic, resulting in a lesser and more easily compartmentalized disgust, though I find it just as loathsome as Allen's alleged crime.

"Dylan Farrow's calling out Cate Blanchett and Alec Baldwin and others as if they should no longer believe in a process of innocent until proven guilty bothered me quite a bit, too."

Not surprising. The societal reaction all along has been that when in doubt (or given any shred of it to cling to), we'd rather not think of our most celebrated artists as private monsters. But contrary to suggestions of her seeking money or fame, I see no real material incentive for Farrow, only an emotional one of

I respectfully disagree; whether expected or not, the shit landing in one's pants rather than later in the pot is most certainly "too soon." Think of like a disliked relative dropping by— sure it's an unplanned surprise, but any time he/she shows up at your doorstep is "too soon."

"Please don't shoot us on 'sex night'."

Fair enough— I know his wishing illness and injury upon annoying prigs is not literal, but a reminder about Karma. Just seems to me that venting in this format can seem a bit pot/kettle.

That's funny—as though that person posting scolds weekly wasn't totally wasting his time? It's a pure delusion to think that people can be persuaded to turn away from spectator sports any time soon. Well, I don't deny that this could be a more common phenomenon than I can grasp, since admittedly (and not meant as a