
I would have readily believed that person, because everything about the BB premise was so novel and timely. Meanwhile the premise of contrasting partner personalities in yet another detective procedural drama sounds about as stale and bland as cracker crumbs under your couch cushions since the late 90's…I assume this

Yeah, you're right. Damn Canadians with their mixed geographic references…

The repetition and lack of diversity in this feature kinda sucked…so I’m
gonna throw out some options for the neglected flyover states…

I hate John Denver's voice — he epitomized the sort of twee acoustic pap that made John Belushi smash that hippy's guitar against the wall.

Yes, but apparently they just threw in that reference for some obscure reason; the song otherwise seems definitively set in Louisiana….

odduck —as to your first point, whether we should glean the positive from the negative in this show is indeed a subjective matter, but it is utterly possible to separate determination against long odds from the toxicly negative consequences of that determination.

Oh please— you and Mo Better Booze need to stop channeling your inner school marms…the fact that Kevin found inspiration in Walter makes perfect sense. The whole show is about Walter's iron resilience in the face of two totally overwhelming likelihoods: 1) that he will die very soon of cancer, and 2) that he will be

People seem inclined to let him off pretty easy for these emails. While they may not seem threatening to you, a person who is so openly virulent and undiplomatic not only to her, but to her freagin attorneys, is bound to get the worst assumed and declared about what he's capable of. So you can deem the messages not

Thanks for engaging in a discussion. The cloying and cringe-inducing lyrics seem to recede in my memory, but I know they're in there, "Say Yes" being one example that comes to mind…

A couple years after his death, I ultimately decided to quit listening to Elliott Smith. His work is astonishing, and I have nothing against people who continue to enjoy it. But to me it’s bittersweet and existentially despairing in a way that can seem either ageless or painfully age-specific, depending on your

Alan and Mimi being Mormons and Mavis presumably being Protestant underscores how the song speaks across a spectrum of theologies and can even affect those of us without any faith or theology. I don't believe in the traditional trinity of father, son, and holy ghost, but here the latter is used as a beautiful

I was going to remark upon how I glanced at Metacritic only to find Scott Tobias writing a review for “The Dissolve”…So as was rumored in the Oh-shit-everyone’s-leaving! announcement earlier in the year, The Dissolve is the new Pitchfork-owned flotsam, launched last week, where all the AVC castaways currently cling.

Shit — you mean you can't even afford 4 sweat suits and a tree house backdrop? What the hell happened to this country?

With a forward by Tatum.

Is there something wrong with me that I would watch the shit out of that musical and that cable access show?

I liked this movie — not just the character archetypes/stereotypes but the underlying message of what a silly and largely antiquated career path this is, and what a disillusioning scam art school can be for many. Yes, less substantial than Crumb or Ghost World, but a fitting exploration of where artistic misfits like

Gentlemen, you have both committed egregious comma splices. In case your more meager upbringings left you unfamiliar with that term, it means that you attempted to join two independent clauses with a comma rather than a semicolon or em dash.

Yes. I think you and I are making roughly the same point. 

Actually, I found the Bob and already-dead character theories mostly annoying rabbit holes, esp. when you know there are plenty of less outlandish but practically thesis-worthy examinations and discussions to be inspired by this show.

Todd, 2 episodes back, your fill-in Brandon called Bob Benson a "red herring" and the big reveal of him being gay as "kind of a letdown"…