Conrad Bain

I disagree. I was an avid viewer of Conan in his first few seasons. While far from perfect, I thought he was funny and enjoyed the vibe of the show.

That girl who licked the printer is invited to come over to my place and lick me.

I don't think Conan sucks as an interviewer, but he's no Johnny Carson either.

Yeah, I like weird and absurd, but Ferguson just comes off as annoying.

Technically that was The Comedy Channel.

"Something's gone wrong…"

You guys are comparing the Dead to The Band?
I mean, I get the connection with the Americana/rustic sound, but The Band were much better players and vocalists than the Dead could ever hope to be. Two drummers and they could never groove as hard as Levon Helm (and that guy sang while playing!).

I never got this band. I know they are beloved by many and each year, I try to listen to a little bit to see what I'm missing. The most I ever got was that Phil Lesh is probably the most talented musician in the band and Mickey Hart did some cool stuff with his Planet Drum project (especially the book). Garcia should

Martian, was that a "Great Santini" reference?

Don't make me break my foot off in yo' ass!

Don't you mean Neil Diamond impersonators?

All-Star game, yes, kill him.
NBA Finals, no, much more important.

"Walking on the Sun" was a Farfisa organ, like the one on Elvis Costello's "Radio Radio".

White Zombie>Rob Zombie.

Travis Barker and John Otto are both above average drummers. Wes Borland has some off-kilter ideas but has never executed them in an interesting way. Fre Durst is a bad person who should go away.

Did someone say something about banging Allison Krause?

John Mayer gets a pass for the white-people-dancing-to-guitar bit on Chapelle's Show. He also hired Pino Palladino and Steve Jordan so he can't be that bad.

Oh wow…
A bunch of boring indie rock selections. How predictable AV Club.

To reiterate: Jazz musicians have been re-interpereting the popular music of the day going nearly all the way back to the beginning. This practice fell off around the 70s.

Please, Kill, Tim….