hunter gathers

The Cavalry did have single-shot "trap-door" breech-loading Springfield carbines, and most of the Native Americans did have Winchester or Henry repeating rifles. The Cavalry carbines were more powerful and had greater range than the repeaters, but fired cap-and-ball paper cartridges, while the repeaters fired

Guaranteed RTO, right there!

I do want to read or see this because it makes me feel like a ghoul, so I'm not going to.

Yet it still blew goats. No offense, Hoat.

You see!

Bulk buyer. Makes sense.

It's a Free Market Religion. They'll love it!

Absolutely not! Nor Could Sir Charles Barkley!

I got it for the free shipping. I buy a lot of books.

Turns out Willy kind of got out of shape in that tank…

Even back then they were just guesstimates. "Friction" always happens, and the more rigid plans are, the less adaptable they are to contingency.

[Wipes away a bit of a tear] He's a good'un, that lad!

Thanksgiving break treat: Trappistes Rochchefort Belgian Ales, 8s and 10s. Creamy, fruity richness with a robust finish.

Well, there's no liquor. That is strange. But far be it from me to judge.

I'm awfully fond of a certain Velocipedist of the Hebrew Persuasion.

Always rolls a clear, fair game. There's damned few DMs I'd say that about.

Congratulations, MLA! We're all proud of you!

Happy Thanksgiving to all, even if it's late for our Canadian friends. Happy Fuck Off Puritan Day for all of you Brits.

I'm thankful for Madame Gathers, my family and The Notorious C.A.T.
I'm thankful for my students, my teaching work and my beloved disciplines.
I'm thankful for all of the different arts that give me such joy.
I'm thankful for having the A. V. Club as a place to share that joy with friends.

I've often wondered who did that! Especially since it's a P. O. Box.