McNultys bad police

What kind of assholes do you hang out with that say the American version of the Office is SOOO AWFUL?
By now, they're two completely different shows. But yes, fer fuck's sake, just watch the British version. Not for your hipster cred, but because it's a very good show.
It also features one of the most heartbreaking

Amelie doesn't have to tape the Dane Cook special because she follows him around the country, Dead-head style.

Tintin sucks a fat dick.

Shaquille O'Neal's penis cannot be contained in a 300x300 icon box.

I totally want the Cards to put McNabb on the turf for that bullshit phone call thing.
And I used to like the guy.

All they'd have add is the ability for us to comment on each other's profiles.
And what ugly, ugly possibilities that would raise around here.

The problem with these new icons is that now I just feel like I swore in front of your daughter.

You teabag the new AV club?

The site's very shiny, but I'm mourning the loss of my apostrophe.