
Bullet gives me douche chills.

What the hell was that mess at the end for? Yikes. And also they need to cut out those interviews she does with people. That's boring. Her sketches are hilarious, she should stick with those.

That was just kind of dull. Too much time spent on those three guys who I guess are celebrities in Europe. Even after he explained who they were, I still wasn't sure and didn't care. Eh whatever.  That Liam Neeson episode gave me one of the biggest laughs of the year, so that was a highlight.

This was great, I really enjoyed it. Totally seemed like a Survivor-esque reality show, where you have your typical group of annoying idiots being stupid and saying stupid things. And now we get to watch them die? Oh god yes more please!!!

The biggest travesty of the new season was no Franklin. How could they not bring back Franklin?

Haha, yes! That was an episode of television. There hasn't even been any nudity this season. That's ridiculous.

Krissi can't win, right? They wouldn't want someone that hated to be the MasterChef representative. She's a horrible person. Who would buy her cookbook or go to any of her appearances? She's just there to annoy me.

If it wasn't for Pandora, his song would never be played at all. Maybe somebody heard the song and bought the album (lol). He should shut his piehole.

Haha, aggressively hipster appearance! You nailed it there.

Got around to watching this last night. Standard CBS fare. Completely by the numbers. Dull. I think this might have been a better show on another network, one that isn't focused on the typical CBS watcher.

I always thought the song was "one-winged dove." I just learned something. White wing makes more sense. Thanks, avclub!

Yes, I agree about The Long Walk. Also what about The Jaunt? That short story creeped me out.

I thought this was a 2-part movie. Like 4 or 5 hours total. It sounds unbearable over 13 weeks and possibly additional seasons. They're in a dome. I haven't read the book, but how can they stretch that out over years? After the first few weeks of living in the dome, we get the idea. Right?

How can Julia still be that hot? In fact, she somehow gets hotter as she gets older. She was completely smokin' in that little black dress. Damn.

Another good one. I can watch Linden and Holder do nothing but drive around Seattle for an entire hour. I don't know what it is, but something about their relationship really entertains me.

I've never seen this show. Look at that absurd picture at the top of the article. "Everyone make your most intense serious face with a slight frown." And then they all made the exact same face! That's acting, baby!

Haha yeah! That freaking bush was retarded!

Oh good. More fairies. Can we have more wolves and politicians too? Wheee. Zzzzzzzz

What do you mean next season is the final season? Is that a done deal? Wtf is wrong with AMC?

No no no. How is this any different/better than the one with Noah Wiley on TBS a few years ago? I guess it's more current. It just looks horrible though.