
Both in Lawrence?

I'm starting to think the people who run the Twitter accounts for LPD and Riley County PD are old friends or went to school together or something. They're always getting into goofy Twitter beefs like when KU beat K-State recently and everybody from K-State bitched that the refs missed a call at the end of the game.

And from what I've seen I don't believe 'em.

Not sure if you're joking, but I live in Lawrence and have been to Topeka many times. His or her math checks out.

That, or kind of like he got his left cheekbone smashed in.

You should write a long, shitty song about how music just isn't the same since that fateful morn.

And where do M80s come into this?

His claims to owning the guitar are nothing more than territorial pissings from a celebrity hanger on.

Plus, those sailors are always going from port to port, picking up VD and god knows what.


It also can't hurt to point out that their hero is the ultimate fucking snowflake. Anybody says a word against him or implies that he's not the most beloved, highest-rated, most brilliant star of all time and he spits invective, tweets at 3 a.m. and generally loses his shit.

When my repeated and stupid joke is not on screen, all the other posters should be asking "Where's twogreattastes' repeated and stupid joke?"

Journey has always sucked big fat dong and always will. Right? I'm not the only one who never liked them ironically, right?

You can't really dust for vomit.

Of course you're not Jon Hamm, you're Ferlin Husky.

If only we could be so lucky.

The hashtags were great, especially the #GOEAGLES!!! one, which had nothing to do with the topic.

I was just surprised to see extras in the bar again. Seems like they almost never do that any more. But yes, even when they did they never seem to have any concern about who's watching the bar.

I loved seeing him just casually set his gun on the bar, then take the sniff out of the baggie. We haven't seen Frank's gun in forever, it seems. I loved the episodes where it was front and center, like his intervention when he came in the bar, waving it around, thinking there was a fire.

Badfish is the name of one of their songs. And I've seen that band listed as playing shows around my area, though I've never gone to see them. So it was pretty much a guess. There's probably also Sublime tribute bands called Santeria, 40 Oz. to Freedom and on and on and on…