
Them's fightin' words.

I bet they're called Badfish. I'm pretty sure there's a Sublime tribute band by that name. But I don't care enough to look it up.

They can't think of anyone who's benefitted more from the fall of communism than them.

Then explain to me how I don't have more kids than George Foreman and Jim Gaffigan combined, smart guy.

There are really handy tip calculators you can use to figure all this out. It's made my life a whole lot easier and taken away the odds of me fucking up the math. Which are very high.

He didn't even have to use it.


Under water too!

I wouldn't think the paint will stick to their fur very well.

Does anybody else get the urge to throw a brick at your TV when you see those Sprint commercials with the "can you hear me now" guy? I'm supposed to want to switch to a company that uses the sloppy seconds of a competitor's ad campaign from a decade ago? Not to mention bragging about how you're almost as good your

The A.V. Club
That sounded a lot funnier in my head.

She just wasn't salty enough for the job.

But it's a Canadian couch, so it's equipped for Rod Torfelson's Armada Featuring Herman Menderchuck, right?

Amen. I'm not a Patriots fan and I have nothing against the Steelers, Falcons or Packers, but I'm rooting for the Patriots just as a fuck you to Goodell.

You're right, that's not normal. Every trouble making kid knows you need a pretty good sized fire to dispose of a body.

Exactly this. It just gives the kicker and the rest of the field goal team more time to prepare. I'd think it's much tougher to mentally get ready, go through all the alignment steps, snap it, hold it and kick it successfully when you have the clock ticking in your face.

I also saw him last April and the "sinking cruise ships" bit mentioned in the article was goddamn hysterical.

That was my experience as well, minus the binge watching. After a few episodes you realize Larry does something odd, somebody objects and everybody yells at each other is just about all that ever happens.

We can trash two shows.

Not to mention Mac's God is totally ripped.