
The best meatloaf I ever made was a mix of meats, barbecue style.

Just remember Troy Aikman. Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin have fed my Cowboys hate for 20-some years now.

That's the brain damage.

I've never met a Canadian that says "aboot." They've all said "aboat."

It's short for KD Lang.

OK, and "Pancreas" was released in 2006, bro. Seventeen years later is not exactly the flavor of the week.

Don't the Minnesota Twins use the same size balls as everyone else?

Let's not forget Truck Drivin' Song.

Take a listen to the "Pancreas" video up above. That's a style homage to Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. Tell me, are they now, or have they been since 1983 the flavor of the week? He's also done style parodies of tons of other established beloved musicians, as well as parodies of individual songs of acts that have

How not cheap we talkin' here?

If your unconscious body falls over the top of it, yeah.

It's not an every day, every shower kind of thing. It's best when it's hot out, when you've worked hard or sweated a lot and are cleaning up at the end of the day, or if you've been loafing and are now getting ready to hit the town or go out in some way. Then it can be sublime.

Speaking of Next Door, what do you think of it? We just got an invite in the mail for our neighborhood the other day and it was the first I heard of it. Sounds intriguing, but I haven't really had the time to look into it.

You Missourians sure like your knobs. Case in point, Knob Noster.

There's also Big Bone Lick State Park in Kentucky and French Lick, Indiana. I saw the signs for both on a road trip a few years ago and laughed like Beavis and Butthead for about 14 minutes.

The only time I venture into porn comments is when I'm particularly intrigued by an actress and want to learn her name to seek out more of her work.

All that skiing and hiking is probably going to fuck his knees up too.

Same here. I never announce it, but last year my 37th birthday, which really should be no big deal, fell on a Saturday. So I slept in, hung out with a friend and my wife in the morning, went to my neighborhood bar for a few hours in the afternoon where I couldn't buy a drink because everyone else insisted, came back

I live near KC, and my perfect birthday food would be some barbecue. You want to celebrate? Let's go get some Arthur Bryant's, LC's, Oklahoma Joes or what have you. And leave the cake out of it.

I'm always a bit weirded out by the Facebook birthday thing. The weirdest is getting happy birthday messages from people I haven't seen in 20 years. I mean, thanks and all, but this seems really unnecessary.