
Right. And next you're going to tell me Chicago Hope was too!

Wait a minute. So, did he shoot himself in both eyes? Or did he shoot himself in each eye in two different incidents? Or did someone shoot him in the face with birdshot like Dick Cheney did to that old man? Or did he just lose one eye, then go blind in the other? Or was he already blind in one eye, then managed to

Ahhhh, the good-old country BB gun fights of youth. We had many, and supposedly had rules like only one pump, shoot only below the waist and the like. Of course we always broke those rules and many people got stung pretty good. One of my high school friends even shot the back window out of my car. At least he was

Maybe they're talking about Old Testament God. He was kind of a dick. Always fucking with people's lives to prove points to Satan and telling people to sacrifice their kids just to prove they love him.

As many have already said, Trump can't even book a high school marching band. But here's a story explaining it: http://www.nbcwashington.co…

What do you prefer if we're being gently honest?

Can't you just lettuce go one article without a bunch of stupid fuckin' puns?

It's why Trump flies on private planes. You can't kick a douchebag off his own plane.

Those tusks of yours look awful dangerous. It's making me uncomfortable.

Upvoted for "Sirens of Titan." I absolutely loved that book. But your company requires you to read self-improvement bullshit books? And submit book reports on them? Jesus fucking Christ.

Perhaps he would've appreciated it more if you reference the scene where the guy says "you're a liar, Mr. Lundegaard. A (hesitant pause while considering whether to swear or not) fucking liar."

That was a mixup.

It's what they were born to do!

Richard Dawson once beat the shit out of me simply because I had the gall to object to him walking up and kissing my mom and sister for no reason!

The Who got in years ago.

I've always just assumed Sticky Fingers is named after someone who is given to theft. Ie, someone with sticky fingers.

Every state gets shit from some other state/s. Don't be so damn sensitive.

But doing hard drugs is the only way I can get myself to relax for a prostate cancer screening.

But he kind of went off the rails with "Keep Ya Head Up, Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon."

Paul McCartney? You mean the guy who did "Silly Love Songs" and "Wonderful Christmas Time?" Fuck that guy!