Migraine Boy

Man, Runaway Horses was a great album, an I ain't even shittin ya

I must have missed the reviewer / community boat on this one, because I thought it was rather dull. Maybe only one or two good laughs in this one which is way below New Girl standards for me

Isn't it Daredevil Yellow? Or am I thinking of something else?

Similar thing happened with me at a Primus show in '91

The Spade is awesome. I bought it after seeing some of the songs performed on his appearance on "Live At Daryl's House" (which is, no, joke, an incredible episode).

GDamn I love this album. I could listen to Star Witness four million times and never tire of it.

She said the Athens show was her favorite of the last tour

What's in my wallet? More like what's in my PANTS, amirite, guys?
/holds up hand for high five

That's the SNL I fell for back when I was a kid

Referenced in the review above, but Jess "finger gunning" Nick in pure, awkward shock as her limo drives away after he drops the "Love you" is one of the most hilarious moments of the show to this date.

Just wanted to say this has been one of the most enjoyable comments sections….ever. It's why I still come to AV Club several times a day
I've given out more upvotes on this thread than the last week combined

Same here…but I always thought he said "THREE-FOUR" like a countoff?

I saw that show too! Man, Dave had himself a kick ass band for his solo efforts

Plus, Kev is pretty hilarious

I'd kill for a remixed / remastered version of HYF. same as they did for Vapor Trails

You mentioned "Between the Wheels" upthread - that's the heaviest synth part I've ever heard. With better production it would be devastating. I'm glad they've brought that one back recently on tour

Man, I have a soft spot for Diver Down. Fair Warning's still my jam, though

Aw, it's a trademark - you have a problem with it in "Panama" and "Everybody Wants Some"?

How ca you discern any guitar tone from those mid - 80's Rush albums?

Yep. Eddie and Brian May.