President Chester A. Arthur

This interview is fucking awesome.

If I was voting I would have misspelled Ralph's name. Because it would be hilarious.

You dopes just got schooled
Biden Style

Written on the side of my ninth grade English class desk
Nikki Sixx Suxx

That actually was a serious debate in my junior high.

That dude is kind of a dick though.

Wild Side is probably the darkest thing they ever wrote.

You're really gonna love Googly Eye then.

Mick Mars is the Geroge Harrison of Motley Crue.

Mars' guitar tone on that song is fucking amazing.

No they definitely took a nosedive with Theatre of Pain. That album has maybe two or three good songs on it. They also stopped pretending to be satan worshippers around that time too and started wearing pink scarves and shit so that didn't help. The radio singles from girls and Dr. Feelgood were all great songs but

He's also proficient with heroin and lighting himself on fire.

I saw the same thing once at a Michael Bolton concert.

Their first two albums are fucking fantastic. The others not so much. The songs that were on the radio were decent, but the rest is pure filler.

Was Steve Jones the sex pistol who knew how to play an instrument?

That was my inaugural address.

You Better
Wash your ass

I was hoping this would be the new Amon Amarth album.


The main riff in Symptom of the Universe is pretty much responsible for thrash metal.