President Chester A. Arthur

Song two was clearly the better performance. The first song was fucking terrible. Those four will also be the next four voted off in the order they were standing from right to left. Stefano, Haley, Country girl, Lusk.

I plan on getting drunk.

That's the only thing that ever worked for Franklin Pierce.

Metal does not get better than GWAR.

(Inhale) I'm Walking On Sunshine!!
I like to get really drunk and watch intervention.

Cannibal Corpse was definitely better.

That show got really terrible really quickly.

Metallica and the Misfits are the obvious answers here. Slapshot's metal albums are pretty decent, especially Sudden Death Overtime. Can't think of any others though. Pink Floyd obviously should have ended in 1983. Black Sabbath should have ended after the two Dio albums.

That would truly suck for the person who was voted out first on the firsties season.

David sucks at pretty much everything.

Next week he should throw Phil into a volcano.

Because the voting is the same every week. You create some suspense by leading off with all votes for Phil.

"Philite" is a thing of genius. I especially like "Krasta" too.

I was about six beers into the evening by the end of the show, but I thought Stefano was halfway decent.

Agreed easily. He was hitting Judas Priest notes from the Painkiller era on the chorus of a Muse song. That shit is hard to do

I thought it was the best she's ever done, although that's still not saying much. It is the type of thing she needs to do more often. Plus the dress was nice.

its going to be either Casey or James in the final 2 vs George Bush.

I'm from Albany
Even better.

Either of those on instant watch? Because I'm definitely watching both of those movies as soon as possible.