President Chester A. Arthur

My top three
Epic Beard Guy, Autistic Falsetto, and Straight Outta Compton. Those three are definitely in the top 12.


The dude sang fucking Judas Priest and nailed it. He can do whatever he wants after that. Halford's got one of the best falsettos in metal.

You don't have HD TV?

That ginger that ruined Light My Fire was horrible.

I've got a feeling he didn't choose that song. He pretty much said that without coming right out and saying it.

Is Paul the one who looks like a Bee Gee?

Trancers is fucking awesome.

The Thea Magea show is going to dominate Nickelodeon's ratings next yer.

They sent the Seth Rogen body double through.

I don't think the ginger kid is very good at math either.

And that's how come it's gonna be awesome.

The judges just didn't want to send Brett back to high school to get his ass kicked.

James Durbin is going to be the new singer of Aerosmith next year.

Insane angry vocal coach.
Can we get her to be the fourth judge this season. I would watch the shit out of that.

Looks like they separated the girls and the men before the final elimination. Hence they didn't see that the one girl had already gone through. Hence two spots open instead of one.

You need to get that shit on vinyl too, with all the liner notes and ridiculous pictures.

Alive is probably the closest you're going to get to a flawless Kiss album. Most of their studio records have way too much filler and otherwise terrible music. The thing about Kiss is they only wrote about ten listenable songs. But those are ten really fucking great songs.

I was there as well, and Genji and Frug are spot on. It was a surreal place to be. What happened seemed inevitable after the first day. It was around 100 degrees and there was no shade. The price gouging was really taken to an extreme and security seemed more interested in roughing up people who brought their own food

Is Trance metal that Beibercore shit they keep playing on headbangers Ball then? With a death metal singer, one guy who sings like a pussy, and a fat keyboard player doing techno beats. The world doesn't need that shit.