President Chester A. Arthur

seriously, guy who picks Les Tresors de Satan as an avatar needs to start writing a monthly column.

Steel Reserve is fucking terrible.

Isn't that those guys that dress in wizard cloaks and play one note for an hour.

I remember reading an interview with Marduk once where they said they were going to kill all of those people. I kind of wish that had happened.

The top of the picture is a noose.

I punched a 311 fan once. I'm not sorry for it.

How fucking drunk was Bob Dylan during that performance?

Nothing Is Over!

Guy from Arcade Fire has the same haircut as Hitler. I can't be the only one who noticed that.

Bob Dylan sounds like Lemmy now. He should start a grindcore band and go out on a high note.

You and me both.

I saw Sworn Enemy about six years ago, and while they are fucking terrible, that was a great show. There's something about 100 people beating the living fuck out of each other to every song that makes the difference.

Motorhead was just on Conan's show.

Their wiki page says they played speed metal dressed in drag.

World Class Wrecking Cru
Eazy E's album where he makes fun of Dre on every song has a picture of Dre in that outfit in the liner notes. That album has some great fucking songs as well.

Dax Riggs
Sang in a death metal band. Now is a blues singer.

I don't think they were ever respectable.

I wish Ulver would go back to making black metal.

I was once a member of the Stalwart faction and a protege of Roscoe Conkling. Then after I became president I went on to the become the fucking champion of civil service reform.