
Yeah, that's pretty spot on. Who knows, maybe they'll keep Josh around for drama (in which case, I think Anya goes).

Awesome write up. And I really wish Josh had gone with the idea of female Village People impersonators.

I retain affection for both of them and was happy when I found out they were dating lo, those many years ago.

Not all libraries are created equal. I've been in libraries that could easily be overwhelmed by the collection of a middling Borders franchise.

I really appreciate this article. For those of us who grew up in suburbia, Borders had real books and a store culture that seemed to respect them. Moreover, a lot of my friends have been employed by Borders; it seemed to be the one chain store in America where an overeducated person could get a job (first world

What bothers me more is that the RH franchise pays modestly (I don't know how much the Beverly Hills families make, but the Jersey families pay surprised me), yet, since the shows are all about extravagant living, the incentives are strong for the families to go into financial ruin. That's a problem that the producers

I know the Maloof brothers own the Sacramento Kings franchise, which, yeah, I'm sure makes them a ton of money!

I'm a fan of Bravo reality shows, but I don't think they stand up to the week-to-week coverage the way other shows do. I am in favor of more drop-in reviews like this article.

Foreman's subplot was technically resolved, but it only took 3 episodes, I think, before he was back to full cognitive function and done with that pesky "second-chance" business. It could have stood to be played out a little more, but House never met a plot point it couldn't fuck up.

After two full seasons, you still expect Glee to have continuity and disciplined plotting?

What is this "woman" thing you speak of? Is that what is bukkaked on?

Quirky girls are often too screwed up to date. They don't have many problems getting sex, though.

Ha, I see it now. And if this show does the kind of nerd-minstrelry I think it will, I give it three episodes, tops, before it busts out a Cylon joke.

I really don't want to imagine what he got up to on his honeymoon.

I'm pretty ignorant about fashion, too, but most of these designs seemed far too restrained. I expected some Alexander McQueen shit, not a dress with brushstrokes on it.

Ha, yeah, I caught that, too. Even during the painting part he seemed overwhelmed by the explosion of gay all around him.

It's an AA thing. I dated someone in AA for awhile and he did the same thing- he tried not to be pissed off and obnoxious just to make things easier. It's both kind and off-putting at the same time.

Sabado Gigante is the only show on Univision I've seen, but I'd bet it's the best. It's like the Price is Right, Let's Make a Deal, Saturday Night Live, and the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders all had a baby. And they shill products blatantly in the middle of the show (not in the off-hand way Price is Right does it). I

"Number the Stars" takes place in Denmark. I remember a picture book about Danish resistance, but I don't recall the name.

I liked "Number the Stars" quite a bit when I was younger. I also enjoyed the genre of Holocaust memoir when I was a kid. Strangely enough, though, most of the YA Holocaust literature (Maus being the exception) seemed to be targeted at girls.