
I really think so.

No? Think back.

27th punch-hole in the card gets him a free sub from his publisher.

I dunno, long before I was aware Frank Black had ever said that, I thought Pixies were kind of what happened when Talking Heads and Stooges had a baby. There's the aggression and debauchery of the Stooges, but it's not just straight-up "caveman"; it has some of that Heads high-strung nervous energy; it's a little

I'm a pretty big Mary Chain fan (Psychocandy is a desert island disc, just saw them perform it in full, saw them a couple times back in the day), but as much as I love them and the original version, the Pixies' cover is pretty great for a couple reasons:

Yeah, I want to say similar happens in one or more of the Biblical apocryphal books as well - Book of Enoch, maybe.

Like Aerosmith, I may be living on the edge, but I think I coen handle it.

That lesbian really tied the rug together.

Bear in mind that Rye wasn't just coked up, but had two eyeballs full of Raid. His vision was probably not 100% (which also led to getting run over).

he didn't have to use all 64 or whatever tracks to add a guitar riff

To each their own, and it would probably be hard to go back and try to hear them with fresh ears now, but Siamese Dream is every bit the classic '90s guitar-rock record (and maybe all-timer) its reputation suggests. I rate it up there with Bee Thousand and Loveless* and would reach for it before many of the records

I heard Gish before "Drown", but otherwise this pretty-well describes me also. Liked Gish, LOVED LOVED LOVED (I mean lived with nearly nothing else in the car for about a year) Siamese Dream.


Hey, who beefaroni'd?


His GbV…oh, let's call it "misunderstanding"…wasn't based on their beeriness. He seemed to fundamentally not get what they were about, though to be fair I wonder if GbV would (ironically) be as clear to a Brit (though his epic hatred did fit into his avowed anti-nostalgia stance).

Well, the guys in Mustard Plug might say it.

Someone with your username should just show up in the comments on these types of articles, with thousand-yard stares and long shell-shocked reminscences of the horror.

I'm not sure what the appropriate forum would be for it, but I for one would be interested in reading your thoughts on what R.E.M. sounds like now to fresh ears.

I don't understand what reality you live in, the "typo" is not the issue here. There is an electronics "store" that requires you to wear a tux, crawl through a dwarf door, and is keeping, inexplicably, a live alligator in a room with its merch.