
Oh, no worries, I appreciate the responses/info. Like I said, I liked the show, I was just a bit curious as to whether (at least some of it) was staged, and to what degree.

I like Simon Reynolds a lot, but on rare occasion he is almost absurdly-wrong. See, for example, him on GbV.

"Exact same thing in real-life" is…not tuxes, a dwarf door and an alligator. If it was, it wouldn't be so absurdly hilarious. And as Sharculese points out below, the cameras aren't hidden.

It doesn't surprise me that they'd have the patience and tenacity to play along; what surprised me was, having played along (=tux and door) that they'd THEN walk out, without an attempt to either A.) Have the shop bring the TV out, B.) Call the cops about a crazy scam store with an alligator in it, or C.) Pop

This was the first ep I've watched, and I really appreciated and laughed at the escalating insane complexity of the scheme (as the OP noted, in hindsight the elegant setup to making the shop owner appear "crazy" was brilliant).

Take your flim-flammery elsewhere, you floozy!

"It is happening again" was RIGHT THERE

Flagged for flogging.

Domo arigato, Demi Lovato.

The lights are on, but she's not home. Her will, is not her own.

I thought that was Gaius Baltar!

Do not encourage the Internet.

The "BWWWAAAAAMMMP!" here sounds more like the sound effects from "Relax, Don't Do It".


What a twist!

Cheaper, because you don't need to buy an "L".

Thanks for the suggestions, will look into!

What is "euro sl-"

And yet when I pull out MY special gloves and lotion, it's nothing but "Buffalo Bill" jokes.

Emotion Lotion, takin' it to the stars!