
As far as "parallels", yes, they are there for sure (some of which are just the sort of archetypes you get in ANY epic quest story, and some of which seem more deliberate) - but I don't think of the Prydain books as 'knockoffs' in any way, and the tone(s) of the Prydain books are quite different IMO than the LOTR

I try not to do this - be opinionated and negative about things that other people like - so please, don't even bother to read this comment; it is only my personal opinion, my own hangup, and I should never have posted it.

GodDAMN it, @BikeKike:disqus !

"I think I've learned a lot, you know? I used to do it for the groupies and the spraypaint and the warlords, but now I do it for myself…and for the fans."

Yes, yes, he was the MasterBarter.

This is another great series that I thought only I remembered. Loved these books.

"people dismiss Prydain as knockoff LOTR"

However, if they start the training by telling you to closely inspect the plastic-lined trunk, run.

You're thinking of the Playmobil "Academia" set, with the "Dolezal" figure.

In an effort to be sensitive, Playmobil said they will issue a replacement accessory for any customers who want to replace the shackle. It's a comically-oversized

Dude, thanks for that. Especially for "Abe Vigoda's Dead (pre-mortem mix)"

Springsteen is older than I realized. More than twenty centuries older.

Thanks, and maybe that's a better way to put it. It doesn't necessarily surprise me that you could make films at such a pace, more that his films tend to be better or at least more interesting than that pace would imply. His films (the ones I've seen) aren't Troma-quality.

Can anyone explain to me how Miike makes so many films? Is he "director" of a small stable of subdirectors? Is he a functional, yet non-sleeping meth addict? Filmmaking, even gonzo filmmaking, takes time, and "slowing down" to two feature-length films/year is still a breakneck pace IMO.

The A.V. Club
A particularly pathetic porno

Bela's dead, baby. Bela's dead.

He's Just Not That Hindu, You


Especially for such an unusually-achieved-yet-surprisingly-accurate Groucho imitation.

Liartownusa is the best. That is all.