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    That's a problem for you?

    And of course women who want to comment are, well, whores.

    Did you even give permission? Women shouldn't be using computers without the express permission of their husband or father.

    This isn't to dismiss the very real nature of the disparities between men in women, in media or in our culture at large, but I often think there's a disparity between what the culture wants or is capable of handling with no problem, and what media sources think we want. Not that it's not a real phenomenon at all, but

    He's already teaching in the computer lab. You can't beat a Coleco, eh?

    It's awesome. Krokus is awesome. All 80s hair metal from Europe is always awesome.

    Jasper. Bring back the paddle.

    You read like a baboon.


    For once, Disqus is NOT fucking with me.

    *sings "Moon River"

    I thought it was okay. The real problem was that'd I'd forgotten all about that terrible 80s synth soundtrack music, and I had it stuck in my head for days.

    What about that kid, sitting down, opening a book right now in a branch of the local library and finding pictures of pee-pees and wee-wees?

    The material just wasn't meaty enough.

    Sounds like another reason to compare it to Dune.

    C'mon Invasion USA remake, c'mon Invasion USA remake…

    I think that would be a Vegetable Between Two Ferns.

    This is too bad, but not unexpected. I really loved the show for the first two seasons, but just got inexplicably bored with it in the beginning of season 3, and haven't watched it in a long time. I expect a lot of the viewership felt the same way, although taking it off the Tuesday lineup obviously didn't help.

    He cut Weird Al's tongue out for "Polka Face."

    Kid's got a Joffrey Baratheon-level punchable face, doesn't he.