Frat Guise

We hate the Dawes meme, and here's why you should too!

You're on a path right now

Paying yourself to run ads for your company = infinite money

What I watched this weekend

I know, it's like

That was awesome

^^^ a pretty decent Snow cover right here y'all! ^^^

Yeah, there is no way to explain AVC stuff to people

He makes a damn fine coffee cake

Why would anyone even get on that train

I myself dabbled in Socialism

^ a paragraph of truth

Because you have to spend money on something, dumbass!

The "put a ring on it" song was particularly egregious

Dear producers of Whitney,

@avclub-e81833b12b59583bc368427e683902c8:disqus - 16 and pregnant and has bad canceraids

Cool story bra ('h' intentionally omitted)

Community in my area was preempted due to a missing baby.

Your post was worse than this episode, which was pretty terrible.

As a funk doctor, I can say this concept is 100% jive.