Frat Guise

If there's any justice in the world…

^^^ bizarre and arbitrary comment right here y'all! ^^^

There’s a really great calzone place over in Idiotville, down by Terrible Idea Avenue.

I haven't heard the new one but I'm still consistently impressed with the melodies on Breathing.  I could take or leave the earlier albums.

The first amendment clearly states "boys will be boys"

I get to see Skeletonwitch on Saturday, so I also rule.

The running back for the Patriots?

"It's a great show!" - Dads everywhere

I wish I could frame this thread

More like Dominican't!

^^^ true love ^^^

Billionaires everywhere are sick and tired of being marginalized!

C'mon back man, S3 of Parks and Rec is up, Breaking Bad is streaming, and often times you get a solid 2-3 minutes of HD streaming per episode!

Wait, are you hand writing your resumes?

The guy from In Living Color said that?

My head just caught on fire!  Cut it out man!

In the two weeks or whatever since the protests began, a handful of Goldman Sachs executives will have received bonuses totaling more than every protester, combined, will ever make in their lifetimes.

I am the 1%.


It's only four bucks on Amazon, just buy it.