Frat Guise

Most people don't realize it, but zebras can live to be over 200 years old.

Still waiting for that comedy to start trickling down

Exactly, my beloved P&R's first season was terrible.

Of course I have!

I'm furious!

Those were actually pretty good

*does chicken dance*

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the albums.

Solid premise, solid execution

I was over the show after the first episode.


I'd just like to point out that this album is available for only 4 bones on Amazon.

Land of the free, motherfucker!

The Jackass skits with the original space cowboy were pretty great

My name's Tupac and I like to rap
And smoke and drink

I think that only happens when you butter one side of them

I'm confused and it's making me angry!

He's in latex

His Pyramid_Scheme.xls file was particularly incriminating.
