
I like how Christian Bale would stay in character as Batman for the commentary.

At this point I'm just repeating what others have said, but there are a lot of good reasons for it to be there
1. To make foosball visually interesting
2. To amp up the drama of the scene
3. To set up the joke at the end where the drama dissipates and they realize they are no longer mad at each other.

I think the key is to not think of it as being the "point" of the episode. It was an inconsequential joke, meant for a quick laugh, not an episode-long homage, so there's no need for them to delve any deeper into than they did. Don't try to make it more than it was.

I get what you mean, but they kind of loaded the front half of the season with "group-centric" episodes (which are great). I'm glad to see them doing a few where they focus a little more on subsets of the group.

I was sad it didn't happen, but Alison Brie's Batman voice made up for it.

Of course everyone hates him. That's what makes him cool.

Hey, you're talkin' about it.

You know, it's a very rare thing to see a dickish troll  that is as good as Mike, but this? This hits the mark.
You've really captured that rare blend of pretentious asshole and douchey dumbass (and you even made it rhyme)! Thank you for writing this. 

The show HAD to evolve though. Season 1 was wonderful, but the show can't just be a show about a snarky douche who realizes he DOES enjoy hanging out with a band of misfits via school dances and Spanish class. Eventually we had to explore the repercussions of their relationship. What made these people misfits to begin

I'm a Community fan, and this guy has a point. He's definitely not the troll in this scenario.

You're right. Community fans display a disproportional amount of hate towards shows like TBBT, which is definitely way better than shows like Whitney. I think of it like a college football rivalry where Community is the perpetual underdog. Community takes the rivalry super-seriously because the ratings are so bad that

Good luck in your noble goal brave sir! May the gods be with you in this righteous journey. The world awaits the resolution of this holy quest of yours with bated breath.

since when is metaphysics not an awesome plot device?

Seriously? I loved the second episode. What about the Spanish presentation montage?

I think it was Pavel, bro

According to a podcast she did, apparently Ganz was also losing it during the writing of this episode. She kept comparing herself to the Dean and saying it almost drove her insane.

My monkey HATES this caviar.

fezik? Inconceivable!

really? it was a half-second throwaway gag that was only there so that if Troy told anybody what happened he'd sound crazy. How can that possibly "ruin the episode"