Dread Ninja Roberts

She was supposed to have the kid and dumped him off on Marty.   You have to pay attention at least a little bit.

The fundamental problem with the whole Hank-Karen relationship is that if she did take him back he would be cheating on her within 6 months.    They both know it and the audience knows it.   They've just been around the track too many times.

Oh yeah, that was nasty.

Did anybody else think the pseudo-Shakspearian dialog was way cranked up compared to the first two series?    I mostly recall scenes where the tone felt much more 20/21st century in the show to this point.  

or the English Patient over Fargo?

I think the Ramones thing happened a couple of years before.   The other bands on the bill at Anaheim Stadium that day were Boston (actually the headliner) and Sammy Hagar.

I saw Prince play at Coachella and it was an awesome show (Creep cover and all).

I certainly don't truly see myself as Leonard, or even that much of a nerd.   I teach science (well maybe not according to Sheldon) so I'll joke around about it but I'm not into all the geeky stuff like comic books and role playing games.

When I was in grad school Muddy Waters came through and played at a little bar at the end of my street.   I nearly went but decided that he'd come around again.   He died soon after.

That's one of the best performances by anybody ever.

Seriously.   Saturday Night Fever was the #1 selling album of all time and I remember an interview with Robert Stigwood where he predicted that Sgt. Pepper was going to overtake it.

You are correct.   The NHS is not only for UK nationals, they will treat others as well without charge.

Apocalypse now has the best sequence of all-time, the section of the movie with Robert Duvall.     If you had more Duval and less Brando I'd agree with ZMF.

My parents work for a billionaire (now for his wife since the old man died).   Before he went the old man told my dad that he was jealous of him because he had a close family (the rich old guy was estranged from his kids).   So that's one more data point in favor of money not making you happy.

@Fercita:  Sure.   As someone who once worked at JPL/Cal Tech and ended up married to a model, I can't help but relate to the Leonard/Penny pairing.

Well I was thinking of the recent episode where Sheldon was dismissive of AFF's paper.   I do remember the episode where a drunken Sheldon was making jokes about the Geology department.    Overall I'd say he treats the two with pretty much equal distain.

I've lived the Leonard-Penny relationship and I swear we've had the exact exchange when Leonard said maybe he'd be the one to leave her and Penny expressed her disbelief at that possibility.

But then again Sheldon does not consider biology real science anyway.   I had the thought about cold-blooded creatures and sweaters too.

Absolutely.   I find people constantly bitching about laugh tracks to be 100 times worse than shows with a laugh track.

It is less douchy though to book an opening slot under a fake name than to bump others off of the stage.