Dread Ninja Roberts

but the zen of it is that if you think you are not worthy, then you wouldn't be.   As long as can feel that you are, that "cocky bastard" factor will work in your favor.  

I saw Primus open for Living Colour and that was an amazing show.

This law only applies to the city of Los Angeles.   The San Fernando Valley is famous for being the home of the porn industry.   While parts of the Valley are inside the city of LA, many of the suburbs there are not (Glendale, Burbank, etc).   So the porn industry isn't going to have to relocate very far, if at all,

I'm in for the season.   I missed the first couple of seasons but can't see going back to the start myself.

You probably are not old enough to remember James Watt, who was Reagan's Secretary of the Interior.   He was hugely controversial for his attitude which was pretty much "God put all this stuff here for us to use and Jesus is coming back soon so it does not matter how much we pollute".

reading fail, that date is given in the article (March 6).

Yeah, I read the newbie reviews for season 1 but I've had time to read all the books since then.   Now I'm just another one of the impatient fans resigned to waiting years for the next book.

Nobody has commented on the line about Liz's ideal man being a baker who has had his genitals burned off.    That made me both cringe and laugh.

I like Community and I get really pissed off at the Community fans here

I agree if by "girl-friend closeness" you mean the lesbian experimentation phase that many college-aged young women go through.

As the chair of a college physical science department (physics, astronomy, and geology), I assure you that you can indeed buy it.

The best-known alum of my high school got her head chopped off by her husband (who played some football and was in the Naked Gun movies).

especially if they ride sharks!

Well Tebow is the first Christian to ever play in the NFL isn't he?

My sister worked for Keocera right out of college.   They make a lot more than printers (I got a really cool ceramic knife for Christmas that year).   In fact they are one of the giant corporations that is a player in some of William Gibson's books.

I have not watched this show yet, is it on HBO?

Less than Ron Paul's age obviously.

Because there IS a difference between bad and really horrible.

So JFC, what's the big deal if muslims want to live by muslim rules?   Do we have to start wars with Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Algeria…

So in today's political climate, liberal = believes in science?