Dread Ninja Roberts

They actually are, but they don't realize it.

One of my favorite bits of rock trivia is that one of the guys from Strawberry Alarm Clock went on to form a huge 70's band.   And that band was named after a high school teacher who hated rock.

I saw Ratt play in a battle of the bands at Madame Wongs West in LA back when the guitarist was Jake E. Lee (who later went on to play with Ozzie).    I was there to see my roommate's band who won the statewide competition.

I saw Whitesnake on their very first tour, opening for Jethro Tull.   I considered them the latest version of Deep Purple since Coverdale, Jon Lord and Ian Paice had all just come from that band.

Nope.   And a 3 day pass is over $300 with the fees.    Camping is probably close to a hundred (it was $70 the last time I camped onsite) so If I want to take the wife, the cost for the two of us is going to creep towards $1000 by the time you include gas, food and beer.

I disagree with the premise that it was the singers mouth that prevented this band from being huge longer.   I think there is a phenomenon that when a band goes huge and there is a gap in time, there is a spot for a "sound alike" band to sneak in and have a monster hit that propels one album to success.   In this case

The thing is that there is only so much sonic space to play with for a band and the Who divided it up differently than most bands.   Pete did very little lead work compared to most guitar players and you had a "lead bass" and "lead drums" instead.

I also taped a lot of cassettes off of "The Seventh Day" show, it was clearly set up to let you do that.    That feature actually started on KWST and was one of several features (and DJ's) that moved over to KLOS when KWST switched away from a rock format and became Power 106.


Wow, that just proved that no matter how bad something is, there will be somebody out on the internet championing it.

The initial news stories were about her fans being pissed at her endorsement.   So I'm sure a bunch of the Paultards immediately went out and started to buy her music to change the narrative.   It wouldn't shock me if some PAC spent a chunk of money on Kelly Clarkson music just for the publicity.

They did Lobsters, but that tactic worked so well for them in 1980 and 1984 that they can't resist it.

No president Snookie?

Your mom is the one who can barely walk after the workout I gave her.

Ditto for me for both Mad Men and The Wire

It means "I'm too lazy to Google" in celtic.

An hour delay?   We used to dream of an hour's delay here on the west coast.

The group of people I party with every NYE all feel that we are going to hell just based on all the "Strokey" jokes we make every year.

My vote would go to Aeon Flux.

I teach at a college in California and we get those bozos showing up on campus out here regularly.   And they show up at most sporting events and concerts too.