Dread Ninja Roberts

I read that right.   On the other hand when a band that I was in folded and I took my songs to my new band it worked out pretty nicely.

I'm with you.   The Jane's album isn't that bad at all and I actually really like that Irresistible Force song.

Yeah, how could you insult ICP like that?

Alien 3?    No such thing.   In my world the series stopped after Aliens.

That was a serious WTF moment for me watching the show.   They show the domes and then there is a factory belching out smoke INSIDE the dome?

My guess was that he also has a "wake up" shot for the animal tranquilizers and he gave himself one of those.

Oh man, I just watched this the other day.  It is the only one of the Trek movies I never owned.  Yes it really is as bad as everybody says.   Too bad I deleted it from my DVR.    But I have a Christmas party to go to tonight so I couldn't do the live chat anyway.    It is kind of a cool idea though.

I learned the word malaise from Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick

@ Mrs David Tennant:   I think being a couple of years older, I was in college, might make a big difference on that film.   But I'd still say it is a movie I respect more than one I enjoy.

yeah, that was really good too.

Yeah, that's the best modification.   I was doing karaoke recently and the didn't have this song and I wondered if it was because of the n-bomb.    Though they did have Too Drunk to Fuck, so I sang that instead.

Is he credited on the DVD's these days?    He didn't used to be.

I had big doubts but I took my kids to see it the Christmas it came out.    We all make mistakes.


The Grinch cartoon is still one of my favorite Christmas rituals.

You should check out a little film called "The Deer Hunter".

it is in the Black Eyed Peas as well.

You know Spanglish was pretty…

I'm sure that's true, but it is also true that there is no way the Moby looking dude could get away with dropping an n-bomb.    They either needed to change the lyric (and everybody would bitch about that) or get a black guy to sing it.

This sure sounds like a case of a network that is nervous because it has spent too much money.    A lot of the problems being blamed on the writers (male and female) might actually be due to the suits approving and rejecting the scripts.