El Pato

I don't think self-awareness is a sure-fire career reviver
Yeah, Neil Patrick Harris's career took off because of Harold and Kumar, but he showed a lot of comedic talent. He made playing himself funny as hell, and I've seen the movie with younger family members that had no idea what Doogie Howser was. Meanwhile, I

I'm not worried about this guy. He's gonna be voicing sassy animated cats for the rest of his life.

That movie does look pretty unbearable. One Day, these two will fuck. Obviously.

Man, that video. I was laughing and crying at the same time, it was stunning.

This was such a great episode. "I'm terribly, terribly ashamed". I laughed when, after all of his protests, Walt still ended up using that line at hanks house.

I loved Jessie's storyline this episode. It was terrifying to see how far into hell he's descended compared to just last week. And great choice of music, with that Fever Ray song.

I had this dentist recently who claimed that he came up with Perry the Platypus, and that someone at Disney stole it from him. So thats why he chose to scrape teeth for a living, I guess.

Nice trailer
Good animation, story sounds good. But man, that is some comically bad voice acting.

Damn. I cried a little.

I think the blood came from Victor, not himself. He's just trying to have some coffee and read the paper, but then he finds a surreal reminder of what just happened. And I also think it was that new guy, Victors replacement. Mike's gotta sleep.

Well, self-awareness doesn't automatically improve complete shit. Just look at the Cleveland show.

Sounds a lot like spider-man 2.

Total Mirror's Edge ripoff, even stole the thing at the end where you see the main characters reflection in the skyscraper window. Still kinda cool though.

Victor and Gale as superfriends and possible lovers is the stuff of unlikely as hell slash-fiction. That cold-blooded, taciturn robot didn't give a fuck about Gale.

Hot damn, that diner scene was great. Not just to see how detached Jesse seemed from the previous violence, but to see how much the relationship had suddenly changed between him and Walt. Walt was just trying to re-establish their old "we're getting out of this together" camaraderie, and Jesse just did not give one

I didn't know Fring was buggin out. That's mind blowing.

What slowed it down for me was the whole Skyler thing, parking the car away from her house. But I think all that was so we would feel exactly how Walt and Jesse felt. How long did Gus leave them stewing there, like all night and day? So after the beginning the tension died for a while, then suddenly, Oh Shit, he's

For a second, I thought Skyler might be pregnant again.

Victor was killed probably because he was seen and because he'd failed to protect Gail, but either way, and what made his murder so unexpected, was how well that entire scene in the lab made me doubt that Walt and Jesse would be go unharmed. Victor seemed to know the recipe pretty well, enough to scare Walt into

Best hate in a while
"Kirstie Alley lost weight because she danced for eight hours a day, seven days a week with the intense desperation of a has-been trying to claw her way back to relevance". Very nice work. Though judging by how she danced, that seems like a very high guess.