El Pato

Just wait for his Superman movie. Crotch-bulge like you've never seen.

Fan Service simply means upskirt panty shot.

Hey, King Kong was good. It didn't have such an unsaturated, drab color palette as Sky Captain or this piece of crap.

Hear hear, and that movie's the only highlander I've ever seen.

I'm in total disagreement about Lauren. Her singing was flat, like Thia's, and sounded completely unaffected by what she was doing on stage, like a recording. And her sexy walking around felt rote and obligatory.

Nothing matches the corniness of Deciciones or La Rosa de Guadalupe though. Watching those shows, wealthy latino parents are the most horrible, controlling and unforgiving people on the planet. Don't hire an assassin to kill your daughters boyfriend because he wants to be a violinist, that's no reason to destroy a

The show's not as great as it used to be, but still pretty corny, and lasts about 5 hours. They still have hottest ass contests.

Cliffy, I think you make a good point, but the problem I see with that is that watching the knock-off Sitv version of something like America's Next Top Model is going to leave a person out of the conversation that invariably revolves around the more popular American version. Unless you only talk to other latino

Both. I don't know Dixie, so before I shoot you, you better pick another tune.

(spits on ground)

favorite line of the movie
"man, you're jordan's are FUCKED UP!"

Towards the end, it feels as if this thread itself was shouting.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about spicoli. Say someone doesn't like Bob's Burgers, someone will assume that the people who do like it are all hipsters playing follow the leader, and then that person will build their own group of followers parroting that opinion. What really bother's me is that I can't tell if

Boy, is that why everybody has a special hatred of that song? Because they think Katy Perry came up with that? She's not even 10 percent clever enough to have come up with something that genius.

"SSHH! I'm listening to reason!"

I would be annoyed, if I really had a grasp of whatever the hell this is gonna be. But usually, whenever someone talks about a "multi-media experience", it just means that there will be shitloads of giant, flashing LED screens. This sounds a little more interesting, I think.

I wasn't sure from the look of the trailers, but these guys are so lovable, I'm eager as hell to see this now.

Nah, Harley lacks the most important ingredient, Huge Boobs.

Because he's not wearing hockey pads, idiot!

Nah, I was disappointed as soon as he turned all hulked-out. A fight with the Joker should just be him with a knife, a crowbar, some bombs, razor edged playing cards, a revolver with a really long barrel, and an acid squirting flower. And it should only take place in either a hall of mirrors, a funhouse, or in a