El Pato

Turkey Leg Eating Fat Man! Sewer King, with piss goblet!

To me there's only one really glaring issue with The Joker's Favor
And I'm not the only one who has said this, but how did the Joker not recognize one of his own trick bombs when Charlie threatens him with it? Also, how did Charlie know it was a fake bomb? I think thats really hard to overlook, but other than that,

I'll mention the mom's voice. I find her nasally voice pleasant, entertaining, and somewhat arousing.

We're just gonna start leaving the second "i" out of Galif"i"anakis for now on? Is everyone on board with this?

I know that, I'm not addressing the real artistic failures of current kid's entertainment, though I do think the over-reliance on CG is part of it. I'm only stating my own aesthetic preference for 2-D instead of CG. If the smurfs in the movie were 2-D, the movie would still probably be a piece of shit, but at least

That screen cap on top of the article…
Its so bad. Look at how vacant each of their expressions are, as if even they couldn't commit to this shit without a look of half-lidded boredom in their eyes. I really wish 2-d animation would make a come-back, cg is just fucking terrible.

I really like the Jen Kirkman sections, they have a great report, which I guess is how you spell that. But I really like Jen's stories.

About Enter The Void being ultimately optimistic
Isn't there some quote from Gaspar Noe where he says that the ending was misinterpreted and that the main character wasn't reincarnated, but that the ending is supposed to say that there is no afterlife? Is there anything in the movie to support that?

That is the greatest motherfuckin idea I've ever heard.

Too much credit to Black Hawk Down
That movie's loaded with all the same cliches you hold against this movie. I really don't get why people talk about Black Hawk Down as if it was more than just an action movie.

That's why I wanted to see this movie, I thought it would be based on that, somehow.

Tom Morello sucks. Over-rated hat wearing ass-clown.

Oh man, did you two reach for the last copy of the same Halo novelization simultaneously? How cute!

Hmm, Werewolf beastiality with bondage? Has that been done before? I like it. Someone get started on the in-betweens, I'll draw the key-poses.

Yeah Donkey Lips, "the Musketeer". It's a piece of crap, you'd probably like it.

"the Crimson Colungus"

Oh that would awesome trurl. I really think he did some kind of modern fairy tale with Antichrist.

But isn't it different with Exit Through the Gift Shop, because that's a documentary and the whole thing is supposed to be real? Meanwhile this movie is fictional, so none of it's supposed to be real. I don't know, i'm kind of confused.

The trailer looked bad to me too, but I always had a good feeling about this movie, like it was going to be good despite how bad it looked. The idea for the movie and the way it looked just seemed risky enough to seem promising. So I'm glad this got a good grade, I might see it.

I assume the movie's plot is that this girl solves her real world problems internally through some fantasy world. Well why would a young girl be having the same retarded fantasies of an adolescent boy? I've seen a lot of stupid, gratuitous, puerile fake grind-house Robert Rodriguez type of shit and I enjoyed it.