So Bored

Not because it was challenging, she wants him to hear the lyric and  loosen  up.

Surely not Dr. Robert and taxman. On the other hand, Here, There and Got to Get into mY life are better.

Me, too. Great choice. And she is definitely trying to loosen him up.

I was wondering what he was reading. Sorry, not in character for him.

No, it doesn't. People don't run tapes backward and other weird mechanical things. The message is not '90's, either.

sconn:   Megan is telling him to turn off his mind, relax and float downstream; surrender to the void etc etc. It doesn't clash at all. Pay attention.

You won't be missing much then! Celtics Rule!

Britta held his arm during the disciplinary hearing

Did he lose his arm? If so, nice memory NG.

Right, as a Bostonian, it's painful to hear the epic fails at the  traditional accent.

So they would resentfully pretend not to speak English.

The French think the Quebecois are hillbillies, by and large. It's the accent.

Supermarkets, or anyplace, can be fun, though someplace serene is certainly a good idea until you get settled in. Depends on your attitude. Just avoid your parents at all costs.

Yes, that was surprising. I thought Roger didn't like Jews, though in a more snobby than seriously antisemitic way

They raped a stag?

I think he was actually OK with it. You know those hippies without shoes are pretty loose.

Absolutely. I'm just old enough to remember when NBC airing "I Spy" with Bill Cosby in 1965 and "Julia" in 1968 was really a big deal.

Agree. Isn't it amazing how the quality of writing on TV as completely outstripped the movies?

It would be so much fun. Feelin' Groovy, indeed.

There was a Hilton in 2001's Space Station, also. Conrad said he wanted the moon before he yanked the account from SC.