What was that music? It did seem like a dream sequence.
What was that music? It did seem like a dream sequence.
In his dreams.
Totally wrong.
Zarnak: Really? Like in the one-man show Hal Holbrook did years ago?
How about Trudy on Mad Men?
To NFET: Parks and rec did that already with April
Interesting that 18-34s didn't watch basketballl
By gosh, you're right. In the revision, AI went from up to 4.6/14 in the demo 16.02m total viewers from 4.5/14 and 15.52m total. I can't find a separate revision of the 18-34 group. Community stayed at 2.2/7 though total viewers went down from 4.894m to 4.75.
2.2/7 in the demo! Season high, I believe. American Idol, winner of the timeslot, did 4.6/14. 4.75mm total viewers. We're not alone, I tell you. There's hope. Incidentally, 30 Rock: 2.0/6; Office: 2.4/6; Up All Night: 1.7/4, all of which bides well for renewal.
At the risk of repeating myself, it's pretty darn likely that it will renewed.
The great Hillary Winston, to be specific. Penny channels her.
The Burning Bush in the Bible, perhaps?
Thank God they left out The Blues Brothers is all I have to say.
The baby carriages were a reference to the Untouchables, which was in turn a reference to The Battleship Potemkin. No stairs, though.
It did a 2.0/5 in the demo vs. 2.4/6 for Modern Family. That was down 26% (.7) without a new MF as a lead-in. American Idol swamped the evening with a 5.7/16. I'd bet it gets renewed, burn-off or not.
You must be kidding. They are a ridiculous snooze.
You were mostly right about the ratings. 1.5/4 in the demo against 1.6/4 for I Hate My Teenage Daughter and 2.4/4 for NCIS and 1.9/5 for Biggest Loser. More viewers overall than IHMTD (4.38m vs 3.78m). The really bad news is that last week is down 6% and a series low. I don't think that's because of the name.
Needed a pink bow tie, though, don't you think?
Hey, nice Rakhe!
Give me a mariachi band over Wagner any day!