Milk Box Hero

She's "Canadian" interesting.  Kinda talented and interesting, but just really doesn't have much to add to the conversation…

She's "Canadian" interesting.  Kinda talented and interesting, but just really doesn't have much to add to the conversation…

No, the wordy you are looking for is crappy.

No, the wordy you are looking for is crappy.

more a fan of the short lived Ginger Reyes Smashing Pumpkins experiment…

more a fan of the short lived Ginger Reyes Smashing Pumpkins experiment…

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus  Pasadena Town Square Mall.  The area looks like a war zone now.  It used to be not so bad.  The hospital I was born in across the street is now an abandoned building full of squaters…

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus  Pasadena Town Square Mall.  The area looks like a war zone now.  It used to be not so bad.  The hospital I was born in across the street is now an abandoned building full of squaters…

I had the same experience a few months back going to the mall I used to go to as a child in Houston.  Half of the stores are vacant.  The sporting goods store is now an unempolyment office, and the music store is now a place to get knock-off big women's clothes.  I remember the news being there when Santa came in on

I had the same experience a few months back going to the mall I used to go to as a child in Houston.  Half of the stores are vacant.  The sporting goods store is now an unempolyment office, and the music store is now a place to get knock-off big women's clothes.  I remember the news being there when Santa came in on

So I assume were going to get our annual update on what Debbie Gibson is up to these days…

So I assume were going to get our annual update on what Debbie Gibson is up to these days…

Only this week's acts of random violence.  And I think the GAP has something on sell…

Only this week's acts of random violence.  And I think the GAP has something on sell…

Those were the first 2 movies I thought of…

Those were the first 2 movies I thought of…

There are no less than 5 Frank Zappa heads on my screen.  That's far too much mustache for IE 8.  Should I be using Firefox?

There are no less than 5 Frank Zappa heads on my screen.  That's far too much mustache for IE 8.  Should I be using Firefox?

They couldn't throw in a 8-track reference???

They couldn't throw in a 8-track reference???