Bishonen Knife

Well, I have about five great theaters within walking distance, all of which seem to be thriving, and here's where they innovated: pizza and beer. Say it after me, Netflix guy: pizza and beer.

I try and avoid possible triggers if I can, but I seem to be able to handle them with my current medication. I made it through a Nine Inch Nails light show without any trouble, and I wouldn't have even tried that before.

I think it used to be that you had to go two years without having had a seizure - or at least it was when I learned to drive.

Thank you. I'm really lucky, in that I'm on some medication that keeps my seizures almost 100% under control. Some people have them all the time no matter what meds they take, which must be unbelievably awful.

It's a weird sensation. You almost feel yourself becoming hypnotized. You get a few seconds to know what's going to happen, your head starts jerking involuntarily, and then you black out.

As a person who also suffers seizures and also enjoys mocking Trump, I agree 100%. Fuck this guy with Steve Bannon's diseased dick.

Easy fix:

I know of it by reputation, but I've never seen it. I've got to admit, there's some weird genius in adding a Cold War spin to the Titanic story.

No more sideboob! No more sideboob!

Has Nabin ever covered Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land? Not a sequel as such, but probably the craziest outlier of the airline disaster film genre.

The AV Club
We Are Not Lancing a Hemorrhoid Here. We’re Replacing a Heart!

Looking at the dumb sequels that came out during the 70s and 80s, you can only conclude that cocaine's a helluva drug.

There's also the actual movie The Red Shoes (1948). And a great movie it is, too.

The Heath Ledger Ned Kelly has its moments. I quite liked it. The Mick Jagger one? Erm, not so much …

Here are some recommendations in the meantime:

If the alternative is that the AVC becomes nothing but a bunch of clickbaity articles about garbage people doing garbage things, I'd rather the listicles.

Yup, it was the DC-3s that used to fly over my Dad's house. If they were that loud flying over, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must have been inside the plane itself.

Exactly. Lift your game, AVC.

Can the headline be clarified to say that the photos of Emma Watson are NOT nude, as she herself has made clear?

Differential pricing is fine with me, because it works in my benefit. If rich people want to shell out the equivalent of my daily wage just to stretch their legs two inches further, or even richer people think a pair of cheap slippers and some extra booze is worth my monthly rent, good luck to them. It means that I