Adam B.

The men's tribe in Vanuatu and Stephenie's tribe in Palau were pretty damn bad too.

Half-man! Half-man!

One note on the bitchiness: the "oompa loompa" line, to me, seemed pretty clearly to have been looped in from an interview, and was not live.  You didn't actually see him say it, and the background diegetic noise dropped out.

Much, much worse.  This is a show with good elements which we knock because of how much better it could be.

No @avclub-7adb6a50e7687b45a00b35796f18f17d:disqus , Alicia can supervise a more junior associate. The real question, though, is where Alicia's getting her work from with Will out of the picture — will other partners (including the partners covering Will's cases/clients) choose to use her, or do they have their own

But already his party's nominee for the US Senate.

They just wanted an excuse to have folks like Donna Brazile on the show.  If Peter were really running for Governor this year, he'd have had to have raised millions by now and spending his full time on that task; if the race isn't until next year or later, there's no reason to consider him for the Convention.

And a wonderful coincidence to have Mamie on the week after the Oscars.  She is perhaps my favorite of all the recurring guest attorneys.

And I don't know what this "promotion" to "full litigator" even means.  Is it just that she's out of the general associate assignment pool and handling only litigation matters?  If so, big deal.  She's a talented University of Chicago Law School graduate, and her successes will only help Alicia win cases.

The Real Housewives sketch is the only one I can imagine watching again. The rest of the show was "meh" at best, and Lohan added nothing.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , am I remembering Amazon correctly to suggest that Rob C left himself with a 2/3 shot of winning the game?  If he or Matthew win final immunity, each takes the other and Rob wins; because Jenna won Final Immunity, he didn't get to go to the final TC.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , it's hard to judge because Rob C got sucker-punched by Boston Rob before anyone could realize that Boston Rob knew what he was doing the second time around.  Since there were no former winners in his tribe, maybe Rob C should have realized he'd be seen as a strategic threat.

They're both interesting seasons.  In Amazon, Rob C. plays a great, interesting game, as does Jenna Morasca; Vanuatu has a great villain in Ami Cusack and a pretty entertaining turn of events post-merge.

It's a better job than "Russell Hantz's Nephew".

And it's a much more interesting show to see the Alpha Betas decimated than the Tri-Lambdas, even if it does lead to a post-merge situation like Vanuatu.

And creator of "Tontine."

If "Russell Hantz's Nephew" is an occupation, though …

There are also some Scout performances in Vanuatu which have to be towards the bottom of any such list.

At which point, the "tribe" was Stephenie.  Loved that season, but those losers were more entertaining than these.

"Seemed fine"?  SP:BLU is among the funniest, most perfect soundtracks ever, and his Hairspray ain't bad either.