A Blaffair to Rememblack

I think he’s talking about where the titular “Fight Club” meets

That 13 people liked this MRA drivel is disturbing but I hope at least puts you on a watch list of potential mass shooters

Thank you for bring up “Go,” one of my favorite films of all time

Influential maybe but not better

It’s certainly a cultural touch stone but I don’t think it’s a great movie or anything. And what it was trying to do was way outdone by the UK version of “The Office” which came out two years later

Green Mile was bad though. I promise

Existenz is a good nomination. Really interesting, out there scifi, but mainstream by Cronenberg standards. Glad to see it’s remembered.

I saw Arlington Road in the theater in 1999 and surprised it’s remembered 20 years later. It was a decent movie with a big twist (as was the style at the time) but I don’t see it as any sort of big commentary on American-style fascism or anything like that

I’m old. In the 90s we just bought pills that had some random combination of MDMA, various types of speed and lord knows what else and called them “Ecstasy”. It was not uncommon to get ones that were just cheap speed and no MDMA so no “lovey dovey” effects. Testing kits etc. existed but most people were not at all

I guess what I mean is that her point of view is one that I associate with more contrarian/trollish critics who came after her i.e. she liked a lot of trash and thought aesthetics were more important than humanistic concerns, she detested middlebrow etc.

And of course it was rated G!

In 1968 Westerns and Musicals, which had been the dominant and most respectable genres in Hollywood since I think the beginning of Hollywood were finally starting to decline a bit in popularity and influence and prestige. I have theory, which could totally be wrong, that scifi has been the dominant genre since 1968.

Yeah she was sort of a precursor to the sort of trollish bomb-throwing critics there were a lot more of after her, eventually devolving all the way down to assholes like Armond White (Not saying Kale is as bad as White, she’s a million times better, but its the same tradition)

I appreciate your enthusiasm and you said a few interesting things but you need an editor

You’re right you didn’t so I shouldn’t have said likable. Unlikable characters can still be interesting or true to life and I didn’t find them to be that either. Benning’s character is basically a caricature that’s beneath her as an actress. Spacey’s character is basically a cipher to me (a big problem since he’s the

I might argue that this was the best year for TV era, when television was just starting to get more ambitious but before streaming and cable had started out churning out an impossible amount of content to keep up with and “prestige TV” has lost all meaning. This is probably hard to understand for younger viewers but

Absolutely great series, both in terms of quality and influence. I might argue that it was the most important comedy series debut that year in either the US or UK

What’s surprising about it?

It’s not just 90s movies, it’s a trope of all sorts of mainstream movies dating back to the 80s and I’m sure before. In the Chevy Chase “Vacation” Movies he’s this rich guy with a good job and Beverly D’Angelo for a wife who doesn’t appreciate any of it. Ferris Bueller’s and most John Hughes movies are about wealthy
