A Blaffair to Rememblack

I found both characters and their ill-defined midlife crises to be completely unlikable and that’s always been my central issue with this movie, which I like other aspects of. What’s weird is that around the time it came out, for a few years, I met multiple people who found Spacey and Benning’s characters to be true

Six Feet Under is about a million times better than American Beauty. Not only that, I’d go as far to say that’s a direct rewriting/rebooting of American Beauty so it’s very valid and very easy to make the comparison. There’s a huge similarity in the characters. Nate is the Wes Bentley character after he’s escaped the

There were some moments of absurd humor as others have pointed out but I agree with you that this movie is “relentless”. The subject matter and themes include cancer, death, really bad fathers, drug addiction, loneliness etc. I don’t know if the term “misery porn” was used at that time but it borders on that at times.

What was weird was that Magnolia iirc was a pretty big out of left field commercial hit. All sorts of unlikely people saw it I remember and I’m sure a lot of people who was it based on recommendations or hype hated it

When this film came out it was immediately widely hailed as his best work, jut as it is now. But I also saw a lot of commentary as to how it was some kind of commentary on Cruise’s perosona and career, which frankly I didn’t understand. The only thing I can see is how the sort of PUA/MRA cult he was building might

Yes. This removed the ambiguity as to whether he cheated on Damon

I was not optimistic about the prospect of a Damon and Ricky-centric episode but it turned out to be much better than I expected. The writers finally managed to give them something like personalities and it was fun seeing all the dancing and especially seeing Damon actually happy about something as opposed to being a

I thought Elektra planning to Galooly Damon was way too evil even from what we’ve seen of the character before. It was good that it was softened by Blanca talking her out of it but I thought it too dark that she even thought of it at all.

Yeah at the very least it was too long

I’d been wanting them to go back to “Archer Prime” for awhile and had basically given up all hope on it ever happening, especially after some comments that Reed had given in some interviews so I’m pleasantly surprised they actually did go back. However, I think it would have been better if they hadn’t completely

Is it worth it? No not really

If they’d just had the montage and then ended with Archer waking up in the hospital I think that would have been a fine ending for the series. The creepy stuff with Mallory talking about how everything was a “love story” between her and her son wouldn’t have been left in there though I think

Computer! Enhance! 


I don’t know if I’d say this is the “best” the show’s been in years but, except for a couple dud episodes, it’s the most fun and the funniest of the three coma seasons. I don’t remember enjoying the show this much since the first half of “Dreamland” before it ran off the rails completely. Space adventure is just an

But they didn’t come around until she died! That’s not good!

Right but clearly her parents never ever ever ever would have seen Candy and her community before her death. The only reason Angel, Blanca, Elektra and Lulu even thought to try to contact her parents was because Candy died, and even then they weren’t even sure her parents would come to the memorial. So, in essence,

I’m pretty sure the writer wasn’t condemning Madonna specifically or anything but just pointing out the irony of gay/drag/trans culture getting more mainstream at the exact same time those communities were being absolutely devastated by AIDS

I just caught up with the episode and I agree partially with your take but also with the recap. I thought it was a really moving episode that did a good job of showing the effect of a tragic death and how it brought their community together. I cried multiple times as I’m sure most viewers did and I found most of the

At this point i dont think it’s ever going to happen