A Blaffair to Rememblack

That’s not true. The first four seasons weren’t super-serialized but they had continuity and season long arcs. The main point was the jokes you’re right but the individual episodes had more of a relationship to each other than they do this season

So bizarre that he’d have a rural Southern Illinois area code

I thought Season Two was the best by a pretty wide margin but no one seems to agree with me

I’m with you. I always think shows should go out while they’re on top but it seems like most people just like to keep them around for as long as possible

I thought they were fine. I don’t know why everyone’s being so hard on them

See I thought Season 2 was better (and yes I even liked that one Season 2 episode everyone else hated). Season 2 I thought was more consistently good I found the ending of Season 2, with the school dance, to be even more emotionally affecting than the end of Season 3. This season started well and ended well but a lot

My main problem with Erica is that she’s annoying and needlessly hostile. They give her all these lines which I guess are supposed to be sassy and precocious and cute but half of them are just so nasty they aren’t funny. And no matter what happens her relationship with the other characters doesn’t seem to progress or

It really makes sense that she’d leave. I know you can’t run away from trauma but staying in a small town where everything’s a reminder of it doesn’t seem like a good idea either

In my opinion Barb wasn’t a major character at all. It was a small role and the way Stranger Things handled her and her disappearance  was par for the course for this sort of horror fare. But then because of the way she looked or something she became a meme. So then people started getting into the character of Barb

Right. It’s very unlikely that the place Joyce works has fresh grocery. 

I liked it better than the Jillian Berk/trapped in the belly of a space monster episode which I thought was the previous low point, but that’s not saying a lot. They really squandered the opportunity to do more with the clone concept but I thought the general level of the jokes/dialogue was okay and there were a few

I watch it out of some weird grim sense of duty at this point tbh

are you a sentient “rules for dating my daughter” shirt?

I really didn’t get what they were going for and I’m the perfect age for New Coke references. Was the joke just that Lucas was weird for liking New Coke so much?

I’m impressed by it too. I don’t like it at all because I hate that kind of stuff but I’m impressed with their commitment to the special effects etc.

The New Coke thing was so strange and outside of the style of the rest of the show I didn’t get what they were going for. It almost sounded like he was reading ad copy. Was that the text of a commercial for New Coke? Was the whole thing a wink to the audience/quasi fourth wall break where they were admitting the New

I was 26 when this came out and I really couldn’t believe anyone was stupid enough to think that any of this was real. I guess we’re now going with the excuse that they were too young to understand or something? Looking back and reading these pieces I do have maybe a little bit more sympathy and understanding (but

Okay. Sounds like someone’s having a normal one on the world wide web

Yes the AV Club well known for its strict editorial stance of extreme homophobia

Except the movies Tom Cruise makes with Chris McQuarrie are awesome?