Chancellor Puddinghead

It's not irony?  I was so certain it was irony, but the internet keeps changing what irony means, which would have been ironic last week, but I don't even know anymore.

I hope Mr. Depp will appreciate the irony when I totally steal this online.

I hope Mr. Depp will appreciate the irony when I totally steal this online.

No kidding.  The Blarney Stone should totally be on here.

No kidding.  The Blarney Stone should totally be on here.

Well, she kinda is.  I would argue that Lady Gaga's art is her image rather than her music.  From that point of view, she is actually quite good at it.

Well, she kinda is.  I would argue that Lady Gaga's art is her image rather than her music.  From that point of view, she is actually quite good at it.

@JimTreacher:disqus Oh, well, never mind then.  I just assume anything containing white people with British accents is made by the BBC, because I am an insensitive bigot.

@JimTreacher:disqus Oh, well, never mind then.  I just assume anything containing white people with British accents is made by the BBC, because I am an insensitive bigot.

I've always assumed it was bands that BBC owns rights to, which I will also assume is quite a large library seeing as it's the BBC.  It's still not cheap, I bet.

I've always assumed it was bands that BBC owns rights to, which I will also assume is quite a large library seeing as it's the BBC.  It's still not cheap, I bet.

Moon Doctor!

Moon Doctor!

Ah, all right, Old Newt's finally gonna get his name up in lights!  I'll be eating food tonight!

Ah, all right, Old Newt's finally gonna get his name up in lights!  I'll be eating food tonight!

We lost Juan Carlos Fresnadillo for the Highlander project. Quick, get me his non-union Mexican equivalent! 

We lost Juan Carlos Fresnadillo for the Highlander project. Quick, get me his non-union Mexican equivalent! 

I'm envisioning Jesse Eisenberg.  Just think about that for a minute.

I'm envisioning Jesse Eisenberg.  Just think about that for a minute.

Remember, anybody can get VD.  Please call the California Department of Health Services for a free brochure.  And, if you think you have VD, call a doctor or visit your local clinic right away.